2019 Cold Bow Challenge

Finally got started on the CBC. Setting my MER at 50 yds. Have been successful at this range in the past so hoping the shots will go well for the challenge.

New bow this year for me and still working on getting it sighted in. I'm shooting a Bowtech Realm SR6. 29" draw at 73 lbs. Shooting Black Eagle Spartan arrows tipped with Shuttle T broadheads. Arrows come in at 490 gpi. Black Gold sight and QAD rest.

Using the hexagon on my block target for my target zone. It's about 6.5" tall by 7.5" wide. Goal is to keep it in the white, but it's smaller than the kill zone on elk I'll be hunting this fall.

Day 1 was last night around 8pm. Light breeze coming from my back.20190520_184338.jpg20190520_184401.jpg
Got a great start to the challenge and was a little surprised because I didn't feel real steady at the shot.

Day 2: Had to improvise my shooting location and trying to shoot when traffic wasn't going by so I didn't draw too much attention. Knew the shot was going to be low as I caught myself dropping my hand to see where my shot hit as I released the arrow.20190521_081653.jpg Left and right was great, but low hit as I expected.

Day 3: 7am cross breeze left to right. Shot felt pretty good, but ended up a little high right. Not quite in the white hexagon, but should still hit lungs on an elk.

Day 4: 8am cross breeze left to right again. Just outside my intended zone again. Getting frustrated with myself!

Day 5: 7am calm morning no breeze. Staying consistent with being just outside my intended zone again. Disappointed in my shooting the past few days as I know I can shoot groups within the target zone at this MER. Time to work on my shot sequence to see what I'm not being consistent with.
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Finally had a break in weather so time to give this a go!
Shooting the pretty much the same setup as last year except I bumped up to 70 lb limbs and switched rests.
Elite energy 35 73lb @ 30"
Victory rip 300 with 75 gr hit 100 gr wacem or black hornet not sure which one yet. Comes in around 490-495 gr taw.
Cbe tek hybrid 3 pin
TT Smackdown pro
Trufire hardcore release
Calling my mer 60 yd

Aiming for the center green dot which is about 5 in.

Day 1
70 degrees and calm. Shot felt good seemed a little left but I was wrong. Just outside the dot. Still would have killed it.

Day 2
75 degrees and a little breezy, 5 mph or so. Shot wasn't bad, was kinda floating a lot Hit about an inch away from yesterday, think I'm gonna call an audible and add a yard or two tommorow.

Day 3
65 overcast and calm
Went a little better today, pin seemed steadier than yesterday

Day 4
70 degrees partly cloudy and 5 mph breeze left to right. Felt steady and released on the left side of the dot and it looked great. Best shot yet.

Day 5
65 overcast and a bit breezy. Guessing 7-10 mph. Don't know if I'd take a shot at a deer in it. I held off the circle for wind and I think it calmed down some because it hit where my pin was Not the greatest shot but I'm ready to fling more arrows now!

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Here we go......
Bow: Elite Impulse 34. 27.5 in DL, 71#

Arrow: Gold Tip XT Hunter w/blazers, 20gr insert weight, 100gr Shuttle T broadhead. 407gr. Total weight

Target: 60yrds

Day 1: No wind


Day 2: Slight crosswind, almost same hole


Day 3: no wind, a little right

Day 4. Slightly higher


Day 5, near day 3 shot


5 shot total. All right of center. One high flier. Not too bad



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I can only get 50 here at home so that’s gonna have to do. This is a Day Six 300 with 50gr centric with Solid legend 100gr. 4 fletch vanetec Swift 2.25” shot from a PSE Evoke 35 se 29/70. Dressed with a Fast Eddie XL and Hamskea Hybrid hunter.


Up early today, Happy Memorial Day everyone.



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Had one get away from me! Not really sure how I’m liking my current tune, flight is a little goofy at times

If we ever get a break in the weather I need to stretch this setup out a bit more. I would’ve liked to have shot this out to 80 for the challenge but the home range only allows so far. Still learning this PSE grip after years of running Elites, so far I love the cam system and the adjustability, I’m still the weak link in the equation.
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I included my kids too...
So, we’ll start with Luke (9).
MER 10yds
Left handed, Elk Ridge Archery Pilgrim ‘42’
15# @ 20”
21” wood arrow

Day 1:
High & right.

“Dad it’s hard when we haven’t shot in weeks!”

Day 2:

High/a bit right again.

“Dad stop taking my picture, you’re killing my mojo!”

Day 3:

“Money” he says... (see below)

“Dad just so you know, I’ve been shooting for the top all along.”

That’s news to me. Guess I’ll believe him, for now! 2 more days to prove me wrong.

Day 4:


“Now I know you’re messing with our mojo!”

In his defense, the arrow glanced off of the target, not sticking in. He had perfect height for the top circle, just left enough that he hit the angled part of the target.

Day 5: Last chance!

We ramped up the pressure today! Closest kid to the center was for a $1.00.

“When money is on the line, I go crazy.”

Time to get him a bigger bow.
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Next, my daughter Leia (14).
MER 15yds
Mission Switch @ 25lbs, Whisker Biscuit, Carolina Archery Products 3 pin sight, Limbsaver stabilizer, Tru Ball Boss X release
26.5” Victory VForce Gamer 500

Day 1:
To the right.

“I’m just glad I hit the target.”

Day 2:

Still right.

“Gettin’ closer!”

Day 3:


“I think I’m progressively getting worse?”

We may have to adjust her sight when this is over.

Day 4:


“At least I wasn’t right.”

We made a slight sight adjustment. She was dead center, but high just over the top of the target. It went through the rope!

Day 5:

“I couldn’t lose to my brother.”

We also spoke about the shot beforehand, and figured out she was using the wrong pin???

Her best shot of the challenge!

Her goal this summer is to get to legal hunting draw weight.
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MER 20yds (As far as I can shoot in my yard)
Matthews Halon 32 (6) 28” @ 62lbs
Ripcord Red, Spot-Hogg Hogg-It 5 pin, Tap stabilizer, Tru Ball Chappy Boss release
Victory V-Force, 125gr. field point

Reinhart 18-1 Target for reference

All 3 of our bows

Day 1: 58°, no wind, drizzle

“We all went right today?”

Day 2: 50°, slight breeze, overcast

“Well, I’m not right.”

Day 3: 67°, sun directly in our face

“Staying consistent.”

Day 4: 70° & perfect

Luke was shaking his head in disapproval. “Dad, you were supposed to miss like us.”


My best shot so far. One to go. I love this challenge! Come September, I’m going to train like this.

Day 5: 75° at peak hunting light

My best shot too.

My real MER is 40yds. My goal for the rest of this summer is to make it 50. I’ve got to say there are some seriously real shooters here that I’m truly inspired by. Thanks Rokslide for the good time had by all of us.
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My 2019 Cold Bow Challenge: This is a true cold bow challenge as I haven' shot in 3 weeks due to knee surgery.

My target is elk so I chose a 8 1/2 inches across paper plate. 50 Yards will be my maximum effective distance.

My set up: Bow 72lbs, 27.5 draw length. Arrow: GoldTip Pro Huner 300, 4 fletch with AAE max Stealth Vanes, Iron Will 125 Solid broadhead. Total arrow weight 482 at 265 FPS

Day 1 - Beautiful day - just a little tailwind, nothing really to speak of though.

Day 2 - Another great day with virtually no wind.


Day 3 - No wind


Day 4 - Sunny with a bit of a crosswind. It was the most wind that I've shot in yet.


Day 5 - Virtually no wind

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I’m a little late to the party. I’m calling my MER 60 yds. We will see if that is accurate after 5 days. I’m shooting an Obsession M6, 25.5 in draw at 65 lbs. Arrows are 570 grains if I remember correctly, 300 spine.

Day 1. Pretty strong headwind. Normal for Kansas. Not sure how I feel about the shot. The green dot is about 3 in in diameter.

Day 2. Slight crosswind - right to left. Not really impressed with my shot.DA6B71A5-F4DE-426D-9FAA-911451230955.jpeg

Day 3. 7 pm. Beautiful and no wind. I thought I messed up this one. It couldn’t have been placed better by my hand.9255C507-672B-426E-82DB-87F8C9B38AE1.jpeg

Day 4. A still morning again. I think yesterday was more of an exception than the rule.

Day 5. No wind. 1:30 and hot. These shots show me how inconsistent I am and I need more practice.
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Down to the wire! I’ve been tinkering with a few different arrow set ups but I figured I need to start this challenge before I run out of time.
This is my 6th season bowhunting. Zero big game animals killed.
Hunting elk and mule deer this year in Utah.


Prime Rize, 28 inch draw
Garmin Xero A1 sight
Trophy Taker Smackdown
Stokerized Stasis
Kinex quiver


Easton Axis 300 spine
Grim Reaper 125 grain 3 blade pro series
Heat vane 3 fletch
Nockturnal lighted nock
Just shy of 504 grains

My maximum range for this challenge is 40 yards. My target is a rinehart 18-1 (small circle). I have yet to broadhead tune. This is simply screw the broadhead on and shoot.

Shot 1:
Zero wind. 8:00 pm. About 60 degrees

My height was good. Left to right not so much.

Shot 2:
No wind. 7:25 pm. 63 degrees. Sunny at my back. Kinda bright and I couldn’t see the pin as well.

I bumped my rest to the left about 1/8 of an inch. A little too much. It’s pretty crazy how such a small tweak in archery goes a long way.

Shot 3:
5:00 pm. 75 degrees. Maybe 3 mph wind.

Didn’t like my shot or any previous. Switching to a different arrow and starting over tomorrow.

Shot 1A:

New range is 47 yards. Shooting an FMJ 5MM 340 spine. 3 fletch blazers. 50 grain brass insert. 100 grain field point. Nockturnal lighted nock. 507 grains total weight.
I have more confidence in this arrow setup. I will be shooting 100 grain grim reaper micro hades in the next few weeks.

Shot 2A:
11:00 AM. Cloudy and 75 degrees. No wind

Shot 3A:
8:10 PM. 73 degrees. Sun at my back. (The brightness on the Garmin sight pin can be adjusted. I find it easier to shoot when it is very bright)

Shot felt good. May need to adjust the sight a little bit lower.

Shot 4:
9:00 PM. No wind. 72 degrees.

Best shot so far.

Shot 5:
6:30 PM. About 5 mph wind. 82 degrees

Shot felt great. My confidence is high for hunting season. I’m gonna do this challenge again probably the first few weeks of August. Opening day is August 17th!
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Well I just got around to starting this, let's hope I can finish it.

Hoyt carbon defiant 30
27.5 Dl
Victory vap gamer 350
Field tips only
375 grains
270ish fps
Trying out a perfex release this year also

I chose 40 yards as my distance because that is my toughest yardage to shoot for me personally. I am sighted in out to 60 but for whatever reason 40 has always been tough for me.

Tonight it was cool and calm, no wind perfect shooting conditions. But yet I muffed the shot.


Tonight was just like last night, perfect for shooting with no wind to speak of. Did better shooting tonight.


Had a 6-7 mph left to right breeze tonight


Another night of no wind but had a helper telling me when to shoot tonight


And just like that I completely forgot to go shoot tonight for my fifth arrow, so just like in real life.

Tag soup for me!

Good luck to all that completed and thanks for the fun Robby and crew!

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I am late to the party but here we go. 56 yards between the trampoline and the shed, over the feed truck.
Set up is Halon 32 74 pounds 28 inch draw. Hamskea hybrid hunter pro micro rest. Black gold 3 pin slider. Arrow is beman ics hunter classic 300 spine, 100 grain brass inserts and 100 grain exodus BH. 4 fletch with 3 inch xvanes TAW IS 500 grains at 275 FPS.
Day one is at 545 am before work slightly left

This is the view of the shot.
Here is day one shot 797997DD-45E9-4B91-A899-8405D5E51E5F.jpeg day 2. Little low and looks a little back. But the shot angle equals a double lung shot 6DEA207A-D917-4207-A407-E1E963068348.jpeg
A little too dark. Couldn’t see my peep. The next 3 will be mid day ish.

Little lighter out today 2A90493D-1988-4BE1-BF07-10E737D57B20.jpeg

Getting better on day 4. Different brand of arrows but exactly the same length and weight

Well here is the grand finale. Shot 5. All days were nice and calm.
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After sponsoring this event the last two years, I figure it's time to participate! I choose 80 yards as my max effective range for an elk sized animal, shooting our new Iron Will s100 broadheads. I'm shooting at a 20" square Blob target. Assuming an elks vitals are around 16", I need to stay away from the outer 2 inches for a clean kill.

Here is my setup:
-Iron Will s100 broadhead and Impact Collar
-Easton Match Grade Axis 300 spine
-Hoyt Rx1 Ultra 70 lb.
-Hamskea rest
-Black Gold Ascent sight
-TAP stabilizer and side bar
-Blob target at 80 yards


The target location:

Day 1 Slight wind from behind. Shot looks good.

Day 2: Windy. I wouldn't actually shoot 80 yards at an animal with this much cross wind, but looks like I would have stayed in the vitals on an elk.

Day 3: good conditions, very light wind

Day 4: wind at my back, reduces drag and makes me hit a little high, that's my story anyway

Day 5: Looking good
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After sponsoring this event the last two years, I figure it's time to participate! I choose 80 yards as my max effective range for an elk sized animal, shooting our new Iron Will s100 broadheads. I'm shooting at a 20" square Blob target. Assuming an elks vitals are around 16", I need to stay away from the outer 2 inches for a clean kill.

Here is my setup:
-Iron Will s100 broadhead and Impact Collar
-Easton Match Grade Axis 300 spine
-Hoyt Rx1 Ultra 70 lb.
-Hamskea rest
-Black Gold Ascent sight
-TAP stabilizer and side bar

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The target location:
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Day 1 Slight wind from behind. Shot looks good.
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Welcome to the party. Great day 1!

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Ok, it's been about 9 months since I shot my bow last elk season. I pulled it out of the case today to see what I could do. Decided I should shoot with a quiver full of arrows attached to my bow.
Set my target at 30 yards since its been so long and I like getting close. Aiming for center and a 4" radius from there, I'll have to put some tape on it tomorrow.

Shooting an older Mission Venture set at 70lbs & 27.5" draw; Easton Axis arrows tipped with Slick Trick 100gr broadheads (arrows weigh close to 515gr); Rip Cord Code Red rest; React 5 pin sight; Bee-Stinger 8" stabilizer; Bohning 5-arrow quiver; and Scott Little Goose release.


Day 1: Light breeze and 60*. Aimed at center and shot 8" low and left. Didn't think I would shoot that terrible. We'll see how this challenge goes and then I will have to get serious about getting this thing tuned up and putting some arrows down range.


Day 2: Same setup, 30 yards. Wind in my face at about 5mph, sun above me. I noticed I punched the trigger and did not follow through well. I am forgetting my steps for taking a shot. Really cant wait for Day 5 to be here and gone so I can start shooting a bunch. I'm thinking my sight is off a bit as well. Trying to stay in the white circle around the bullseye.

Day 3: Boy am I not shooting well! Low and right, punched the trigger again. Wind was not in my favor today, probably close to 15mph cross wind. I still think my sight is off, tomorrow I will aim higher!

Day 4: About time! I followed all of my pre-shot rules-firm plant, draw smooth and straight, anchor tight, loosen grip, pick a spot and release smooth. Also, I had to put my 30 yard pin on the top white dot, so my sight has definitely moved! Left to right I was good and the shot finally felt right. One day to go before I can start practicing and moving back! I was practiced up to 60 yards last year and usually limit myself to 40 hunting.


Day 5: Last day, sun at my back and wind at my back at about 10 mph swirling a bit; 70 degrees. Wrecked a RZR yesterday and rowed my raft on the lake a bunch Saturday, so was pretty sore pulling the bow back! Pulled the shot and knew it. I've got a lot of work to do before fall! Thanks for entertaining my crappy shooting and giving me the motivation to get better!


Lots of much better shooters than I on this thread. I am looking forward to getting more dialed though. May have to get a new string because I am getting some wear near the bottom cam, second time that has happened. I also want to strip the fletching and arrow wraps off my arrows and have them re-fletched. Going to start from scratch with my rest and sight as well and do some paper/walk back tuning. We'll see how it goes!
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Challenge starts today -- actually all arrows in 2019 have been a challenge. After a million arrows and a lot of years of FITA recurve archery my bow arm shoulder had some issues that needed to be addressed --so I had some surgery done in February. I am back to shooting a light bow about 30 arrows every other day. My setup will hopefully be improved upon significantly between now and elk season, but if my draw weight has to stay low, I am confident I can get it done with this setup if I am selective. The bow produces a lot of energy, but at this point, I feel like every pound counts. I am reeling back my max to 60 yards for this challenge and I think that is maybe pushing it a little since I have been struggling with flyers and will likely continue to until I can get back to some volume of arrows in upcoming months. 20 yards will be my distance for the Recurve.

My setups are a bit home brew and unconventional -- but I like to tinker.

Compound: PSE EVO7 riser with Omen Cams and limbs. 29" @ 54#. Shooting a BE Zombie Slayer 400 with standard insert + 50 grain GT weight and 100 grain Rocket Steelhead broadhead. Fletching is a bit unconventional -- I am experimenting with Jet 6 recurve spin vanes - shooting them 4 fletch and loving how quiet they are. These are like a standard spin wigs but more ridged. Very fragile -- not sure if I will stick with them. I think my arrow is 410 grains and is moving around 260ish. I havn't really spent a lot of time tuning and tweaking yet since I will likely be upping my DW soon if all continues as planned with my recovery. Rest is an original vapor trail, old school circa 1999 doinker front bar, and Easton ACE back bar. Sight is a Tommy Hog with an IQ sight housing mounted to it with 4 pins.

Recurve: Yamaha alpha-EX riser and Yamaha Eolla Ceramic Carbon Limbs 45#@29. Bear weather rest, Shibuya plunger, angel dynema string, Cheap-O Victory Dominator 500 Shafts, 100 grain brass insert, feathers and a 100 grain Kudu Point.


Day 1: It was a beautiful morning in Ohio. First shot from the Trad bow was solid. Felt as good as they ever feel these days - a bit or a pinch in my bow arm shoulder still, but execution felt good and the arrow went where it was supposed to.


Day one with the compound gets a passing grade, but my hold wasn't what I like and execution was just a little punchy :)


Day 2: Beautiful morning in Ohio -- sunny and not a lot of wind.
Recurve: Ugh!! Embarrassing collapse -- MER would have had to have been about 3 feet this morning with the trad bow. Took a lot to not shoot another arrow to clear my mind of this. Not sure i have ever "quit" a practice session on a shot like that.

Compound at 60 yards was on the money:

Day 3: Day after a storm here in Ohio. Gusty winds this morning, but not terribly bad. It was about 15 degrees cooler today, so I happened to be wearing my plaid wool flannel this morning and obviously that allowed me to shoot my recurve significantly better. Had some redemption there. Compound was solid. slightly left again for the third time, but well inside the kill zone of an elk.


Day 4: cool and gusty in Ohio this morning. Recurve was a solid shot, just outside the spot but def a solid kill. Compound wasnt my best shot, but still in the 8" elk kill zone standard I have. This is my 4th arrow to the left -- I think I am going to give it a few clicks tomorrow.Day4r.jpg

Day 5: Cool and clam -- great morning to shoot an X! Didn't do it though. Both shots in the kill. Both a little hot. Recurve shot was solid. Compound was a little punchy. Looking forward to shooting multiple arrows today after work! This has been a great exercise that I will repeat again this summer after significant training. Coming out of shoulder surgery, this has given me a lot of confidence in looking forward to the fall -- I am very hopeful that I will be seeing good results at 70+ with more weight come September. Thanks for encouraging bowhunters to engage in this exercise!
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I want in while I still can.
Setting my MER @ 50yds. Smoked an elk last year at 62 yds uphill last year and even though it was a great shot, told myself I never wanted to do that again. Longest shot I ever took with a bow on an animal, besides prairie dogs. Shooting a 484 grain arrow out of a rx-1 ultra @ 65lbs. Sight is a 3 pin axcel accustat slider.
The bow:

The Range:


First shot:
Zero wind, 7am. Kinda left. May have to cheat and put an aiming spot on there.

2nd shot:

Aiming spot helped. Slight headwind. 100g field point btw.

3rd shot:
A little earlier, colder and 10 mph in the face. Not too shabby.
Hay bales keep falling over as the snow melts.

4th shot:

Calm and Clear. Consistently left. This has been showing up more (outside of 40)since I started shooting 4 vanes. What gives? Too much spin, or am I just noticing that i need to adjust my sight because I’m getting more consistent arrows?

Shot 5

Nice morning. Never really punched him in the ticker, but pretty sure I would have dropped him.
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Finally got my bow dialed in several days ago. Time to start. Pretty excited to see how I do. Mer is 65 yds (gotta outdo the bro, who shot the CBC at 60)

Hoyt pro defiant 32 @ 65lb with 30" draw length
Nap Apache rest
Axt 4 pin slider
Easton Axis weighing about 550 grains 3 fletched aae stealth

Shooting for the orange within the 5 inch green circle

First day pretty breezy, shot into the wind. Felt like a really good release. Pretty happy with the shot.

Day 2
After riding my dirt bike all day my legs were exhausted. Almost didn't shoot but figured if I'm gonna be hunting in the mtns then my legs are probably gonna be tired and I need to shoot. Not very good. High right.

Day 3. Wanted to try something more realistic than just shooting at 65 so I put my Mystery ranch on with about 30 lbs and shot at 65. Felt really good. Not too bad

Day 4. Pretty windy today. Shot into the wind. Actually looked forward to shooting in the wind to "replicate" a windy afternoon shot on a deer. Felt decent, but felt like i should at least hit the target. Shot right over it into the tree behind it.
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After 8 weeks recovery from a car accident, today is the first day that my elbow felt good enough to draw. Thankfully, is the last day that I could start.

60 yards.
125 grain solid iron will broadheads
70# Mathews z7 extreme @ 28" draw.
Custom black gold sight, quivalizer, and carter rx1 release.
Shooting 272 fps.

Day 1. 2.5" high and I'm super happy about that.

Day 2 still 2.5" high. Zero wind and full sun.

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Day 3. A little left and still a couple inches high, but I'm pleased.

Day 4. I took my time today and got the elevation just right, but now I'm just a little left of center. Very pleased with the results and excited to start shooting a few dozen a day on June 6.

Day 5. Last 30 minutes of shooting light after rebuilding my backstop. Full day of heavy work today and was still panting as I shot. Best one of the pack!
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Might have time to finish before the deadline. Been pretty busy but hopefully I can shoot each morning this week. I'll try both compound and recurve. All my pictures come out weird because my regular camera on my phone is broken. So I use the "selfie" cam for pictures.

Bear Kuma 33. Set on 71# and 29 inch draw. Draws about 29.25. Tight spot 7 arrow, Trophy ridge stabilizer, trophy taker drop away, spot Hogg Tommy Hogg 5 pin housing. For now calling mer 65 yards. Shooting black eagle rampage 300's with ss half-out fusion 3" vanes left offset, and 100 grain wackem and spitfire Maxx broadheads. I normally carry both in my quiver. I have used mechanicals up until last year, started playing with fixed blades. Tend to prefer a larger cutting diameter. Plus I worry about hitting my string with a fixed blade. Set up is for whitetail, elk, and bear. Hopefully manage to hold around a 7" group.View attachment 102949

First day. Warm. Mid 70's. Not really any wind, at least in the woods. Wackem head.
Doubt I'll repeat that.

Day 2 slipped out first thing and shot. Conditions pretty ideal. Wackem Broadhead.IMG_20190603_074853878.jpg
I find that pretty acceptable.

Day 3:
Hate to say it but almost felt cold. Mid maybe upper 40's. Calm wind. Been doing this first thing in the morning. Decided to shoot a spitfire today.

Day 4:. Wackem. 68 degrees. Little drizzle. Mild wind. Every day before I shot first thing in the morning. Shot after work today as I was trying to make sure I got stuff done today before the rain. Could tell I was tired. Last year shot this with a pack on and hiked the 3/4 mile to get to my targets. Haven't had time for that this year.

Final day: 77 degrees. No wind. Pretty happy with my compound shooting. Did better than I expected. I was going to try 85 yards as my mer maybe I should have. But definitely feel confident at 65.
Hoyt gamemaster II. 45# limbs. Fuse quiver. Shooting off the shelf. Old carbon arrows. Called super carbon. Around a 430 spine. 125 grain thunderhead. Old feathers.
Mer 22 yards. Don't shoot my recurve much. Just take it on stand every once in a while for whitetail.
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Mid 70's no wind. Hadn't shoot my recurve in 3-4 months at least. This might get ugly.

Not bad. Not great. But good enough for whitetail I reckon.

Day 2. Well a humbling experience.
Glanced off the right side of the target and burried in concrete. Pretty surprised at how hard it was to get it out. It was stuck in there pretty good. But the old thunderhead still looking pretty good!!
I'm going to keep shooting it. No reason to mess up another. Face looks funny in the picture tho. Kinda drawn out.
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Day 3:. It was a good feeling to hear the arrow hit foam today.
Day 4: Not to good. Out of what I would consider the kill area. So I'm 50% so far with the recurve.

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Range at 65 yards. Can shoot out to 150. But haven't done that in quite a while.
Final day: Feeling like 22 yards is outside my range with my recurve. Did have the sun coming through the trees pretty bad where I was shooting my recurve from. Pretty distracting. After this final shot since challenge was over I took another shot at 19 yards and put the arrow within 2" of my mark.

Had to delete a few pictures to get all mine in since shooting the recurve also.
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