2018 SLDMTN Aubrey's First Bear


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Jul 30, 2015
Palmer, AK
What a weekend this turned out to be, I can't imagine it being much better.

Aubrey and I have been trying to get her a bear for two years now. Through the cold, rainy nights and sleeping outside, she kept a good attitude all last season. We had a few opportunities but just couldn't get a shot I felt comfortable with her taking. Frustrated as we both were, it made for a great opportunity to teach her it isn't all about shooting something. We watched wild grizzlies from 20 yards away, watched the sows and cubs interact, watched owls swoop down and catch mice in the late hours of the day. The time we spent together was priceless and the look on her face when she saw her first bear up close, you can't buy that.


This year I moved locations to a bigger area and I had been second guessing it since trail cam activity was very very slim. The spring has been very cold up here and everyone I've talked to has had little activity.


With a good boar turning up, we decided to spend a weekend in the blind. It was a cold, rainy weekend but our new blind setup was really a big improvement over last year. Nothing turned up so we headed back to town.


This week, I took a chance and burned a day of leave on Thursday since I'd be at a wedding all weekend. We ran out to the stand and got settled for the night. After 15 minutes of silence, we heard a loud snort. It wasn't the right species but it was neat to watch him feed in front of us.


The sun went down and the temperature dropped quickly again so I got Aubrey situated in her sleeping bag for the night on the floor of the blind. From my camp chair, I kept an eye on the swamp in front of us. Eventually I drifted off as well around 2:00 in the morning.

At 4:00 I was abruptly woken up by the crashing noise of aluminum. The only thing anywhere near our camp made out of aluminum is the ladder up into the blind...I panicked thinking I had a grizzly making its way up into the blind with us. Flying up out of my chair with my neck all stove up from sleeping at a weird angle, I slid the shade down to survey behind us. Luckily the ladder was still standing.

While I tried to figure out if I had been dreaming or it was a real noise, the bears answered that question quickly. Yes, bears plural, four of them actually. They took off from directly under our stand and went crashing out to the barrel. I woke up Aubrey and got her chair set up again. At first glance I had written them off as four little cubs, until one of them reached up and plucked a scent ball out of the tree from 8' up. Aubrey was dead set, that was HER bear. Dad, it's so pretty! I want that one!

After a few moments of calming her down, she propped my .270 WIN up onto the blind. We took a three count and shot when the blonde gave us a good broadside look. It never even took a step, the bear dropped right where it stood.

My little girl, 9 years old, hammered her first bear. I was a mess, Dad are you shaking? Yes baby, I'm definitely shaking. It was one of the best moments of my life.


Jul 28, 2014
So amazing , congrats that memory will last forever

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Sep 23, 2016
Wasilla, AK
Congratulations to Aubrey!!!! There is absolutely no better feeling than watching your little girl succeed. Great job dad!

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Mar 21, 2012
Outstanding!!! Congrats to both of you, especially her! How awesome man, be tough to top that but I am sure you both are going to try!


Sep 13, 2012
They grow up so fast,, enjoy every minute!! Awesome job and I love the blind idea. :)


May 10, 2016
This is awesome. I had a nearly identical experience this year with my young daughter. I was more excited than she was after she shot... I know the feeling.

Congrats to you both.