2015 Alberta Bighorn

4/5 curl is the regulation in the zone I was in. He is only legal buy half inch. Watch him for over a hour at 300 yards threw the swaro to determine if he was legal
Congratulations. He looks great. I appreciate your story.

My first ram was a 3/4 curl walk in. I treasure that memory.
Just had a chance to read through this thread, and it was worth it! Congrats on a beauty of a ram. The pics were awesome!

Also, noticed that Graves14 mentioned High, Wild, and Free...that's a good movie. Sheep hunt recaps always make me think of that movie.
Great story. If you don't mind my asking, how were you able to get so many tags?
Great story. If you don't mind my asking, how were you able to get so many tags?

In alberta most of the provinces sheep ranges are a over the counter 4/5 or larger tag. If successful you have to wait a full season to be eligible for a bighhorn ram tag again. In Saying that this could change this year to a draw or a full curl regulation province wide from the proposal that was submitted by fish and wildlife. Lots of hard cores sheep hunters got there fingers crossed that this proposal falls threw.