2013 Dall Hunt Update


Apr 29, 2012
Central CA
Well guys I have had quite a few PM's on my sheep hunt this last week figured instead of answering them all I would post u a thread. I keep replaying events in my head thinking what if I did this or what if I did that. Did I train hard enough what if we wernt weatherd in these days etc. The hunt overall was a success in my eyes even though I left there without my sheep. I however was able to connect with a ram about 10PM the last evening of the hunt. The shot was a poke at 86yards with the incline making me shoot for 82. Under most circumstances I would not of taken a shot like this but with busting my ass for 8days in sheep country and this being the opportunity I was given knowing it was last hope for a chance at a sheep I took it. I hammered the sheep much more forward than anyone would like to see but by the amount of blood he was losing I tought it was an open and shut case he would bed up and die. Well after tracking him for a good amound of time we ended up losing blood and decided to back out and the outfitter would fly it as soon as he had a chance locate where the ram died go in and get him for me. So the past few days I have been sitting close to my phone praying for a phone call saying we found him or we found him and he is doing ok. One thing I can say about the overall hunt is that sheep hunting with archery equipment is absolutly no joke but the most enjoyable experiences I have had. I know for 100% certainty I will be back up in the Brooks doing this again.

My Gear List for this hunt was:

Kifaru BT1

Kifaru Slick Bag 20*
Neo Air Xlite
BA 3 wire bivy

Hoyt Spyder Turbo 84lb
Easton FMJ 300's

Swarovski ATM 80HD
Swarovski EL 10x42

Lowa Tibet with Copper Super Feet
OR endurance gaiters

Kryptek Merino top (first shirt I have had that diddnt have a funk after 5-6 days)
Kryptek Valhallia Pant (a little lite for AK bt with how much movement they have made it nice while traversing up cliff faces)
Kryptek Poseidon Rain Gear (was one of the best pieces for the hunt I had with very minimal weight I was able to stay dry every day. It held up in the alder bushes witch was my main concern with utilizing such a light weight rain gear)
Kryptek Kratos Puffy (Kept me plenty warm for the long hours behind the glass)
First Lite Boxers (no funk after days in them)
Darn Tough Socks X2

This was the brunt of my gear list I used of course there was other items Jet Boil, Kill Kit, Food etc. Was able to be at 57lbs and live very comfy in sheep country with everything I had on my back. I will keep everyone updated as soon as I get my phone call letting me know if they were able to locate the ram.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.I agree you do everything you can and then the chips fall where they fall and you can hold your head high
Keep us posted Shaun. Nice meeting you...I hope to return sooner than later as well. I'm patiently waiting for a call as well...As to when I can come back up there and get it done!
Addictive, isn't it? Hope they find the ram for you. Archery is definitely doing it the hard way. I would like to shoot a Slam with a rifle and then, time and money permitting, go after another with a bow. I'm guessing that you know exactly what I meant on the other thread where the question was posed about going after a Stone or a Dall with a bow. My first Stone hunt didn't get a ram home, but was one of the best hunting experiences that I have had. Fortunately, I was able to go back with the same outfitter and shoot one on the third day on the only climb up the mountain after watching the sheep for the prior two days.
Bow hunting sheep with a bow is crazy hard, I know, I do it too. You usually only get one opportinuty with a bow on any given sheep hunt. Shots are usually long and ackward. Sending positive vibes that you recover your sheep.
Good luck with finding your ram Shaun! Nevertheless it sounds like an awesome adventure. I want to do it with a bow too but I'm thinking I need to wait a couple more years.
It sounds like you had a great time, The ram would be the icing on the cake. Was Jonah your guide or did you have someone else and did you have a rifle option?
Hope you get a positive call Shaun and that we all get to see the pic. I take my recurve on every sheep hunt, hoping one day to find one in stalkable terrain. Hasn't happened yet, has been hard just to get within 250 yds. on open shale but then the rifle does it job...