20 Gauge tungsten turkey load

Been loading TSS for the past 13 years. I'm still shocked that ppl are willing to pay crazy prices. Buy the shot and components and load your own. I can load 20ga for 3.50-4.00 a shell, and I know what the quality control is. Most expensive part is the shot at 35-38.00 a pound.
Another small ammo company to look at is Salt Creek Ammo. I have a box of their TSS I got for Christmas to try out. That said, last year when testing loads out of my wife's 20ga, Federal's Heavyweight TSS #9s patterned fantastic out to 40 yards.
Been loading TSS for the past 13 years. I'm still shocked that ppl are willing to pay crazy prices. Buy the shot and components and load your own. I can load 20ga for 3.50-4.00 a shell, and I know what the quality control is. Most expensive part is the shot at 35-38.00 a pound.
Where can one go to find a good recipe for loading tungsten? I'd like to get into loading it to save some cost.
Been loading TSS for the past 13 years. I'm still shocked that ppl are willing to pay crazy prices. Buy the shot and components and load your own. I can load 20ga for 3.50-4.00 a shell, and I know what the quality control is. Most expensive part is the shot at 35-38.00 a pound.
Where are you finding it at that price?
Where can one go to find a good recipe for loading tungsten? I'd like to get into loading it to save some cost.
Ballistic Products (BPI) has a bunch of recipes with their components available on their site. Heres a map to find them:
  • Load of the week archives
  • TSS loads pdf found linked on any of their TSS shot pages
  • TPS wad loads found linked on any of their 12 ga TPS wad pages
  • BP2092 loads found linked on the BP2092 wad page
Beyond that, Hodgdon list some loads now, largely using BPI components. And smaller sellers (ex: Hal Abbot) will provide recipes if asked when you purchase from them.
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Where can one go to find a good recipe for loading tungsten? I'd like to get into loading it to save some cost.
Every one of the shot suppliers that I have purchased from will provide you with whatever ga and load that you want. You will have to buy a pound or two to get provided recipes.
Apex is great and widely available, #9 apex seems to be the standard as this thread shows. Another company I've read good things about but haven't tried yet is Burgess Creek.
Like everyone has stated. Tss 9s is the way to go.

I have a 20ga 870 youth with a Jebs .555, fast fire, and shoot 2ozs of 9s out of it. It throws an absolutely insane pattern. It is without question a 60 yard gun.

I've retired my 12ga from turkey hunting now. Absolutely no reason to carry it.
Apex Ammo or Foxtrot Ammo. The owner of Foxtrot Ammo is a standup guy. An active member over on Gobblernation, and always available to answer any questions. He used to be able to get some good prices on Indian Creek chokes, but I do not know if that is still the case.
Bryce Hensly owns both Fox Trot and Gobblernation.

Another shell alternative is Satties Fatties. He’s loading up some 20 and 10 gauge stuff for me for this spring.

Yeah I know I don’t need TSS in a 10 but long story short I bought a new BPS last year to replace one I sold several years ago and want to use it on a couple hunts where I don’t have far.