20” 7mm Rem Mag, suppressed????

I’ve been reading this thread off an on for weeks, all while digging anywhere I could to find info on 20” 7RM. Putting a can on my Bergara wilderness ridge is too long and heavy. Without the can it’s deafening! There’s a few guys in New Zealand that cut their’s down and posted on YouTube. One cut his Tikka to 21”, but only because his barrel was fluted and that is all he could do without getting into the fluting. His buddy went 20”. They are getting over 3000fps on hand loads with Reloader 23.

Well, I went ahead and ordered a customer OMR 20” carbon fiber barrel threaded. It shipped today and I’ll update when I shoot it. It’ll be paired with a Grayboe Phoenix 2 Stock, Timney Hunter flat trigger, SilencerCo Hybrid 46 (mounted direct thread for length and weight savings) Also a Falcon Defense LW7 Action.

While waiting for the most expensive action/barrel I’ve ever bought to be made, I have had some doubts about my choice in chambering. The success from the guys in this thread, along with a couple New Zealand forums has made me feel a whole lot better about my decision during my wait.
For anyone wondering, my 7mm rem mag with 20” barrel got a proper break in this past weekend. Then, we dialed it to 200 yards. 1.5” at 200 yards and stretched to 400 this week. Excellent shooter with factory ammo. Velocities ranged from 2750 to 3010 fps and bullets from 155gr to 162gr. I may start a separate thread with pics and more detailed specs for those interested. If you’re thinking of building short barreled 7mm then go for it.
Factory tikka 7rm cut to 20" shooting 150eldx great at 2950 with H4831SC. Pressure at 3000

168classic hunters shooting great at 2750 with H1000. Haven't loaded to pressure with those
Factory tikka 7rm cut to 20" shooting 150eldx great at 2950 with H4831SC. Pressure at 3000

168classic hunters shooting great at 2750 with H1000. Haven't loaded to pressure with those
Do you mind sharing your OAL and 4831 charge weight for 2950? I will be running the 150 eldx also.

My Tikka T3X Lite 7mm Rem Mag just came in and I am about to cut it to 20". I was considering 16.5" because my Tikka T3x Lite 7mm-08 is 16.5" and really handy. I am not sure I want a magnum 7mm that short though.
Do you mind sharing your OAL and 4831 charge weight for 2950? I will be running the 150 eldx also.

7rm Tikka T3x stainless 20" bbl
150ELDX COAL 3.350
H4831SC 67.3gr
Cci250 primers
Peterson brass

Max charge for me was 70gr 4831sc with this bullet and COAL. As always, start lower and work up
My son is going to put a new 7mm rem mag barrel on his sako 75.To save some weight and keep the length manageable we are thinking 22-23 inches bc he would like to suppress it. Barrel will be an 8.5 twist bartlein and I was thinking about bullets and powder choices as we handload. Thinking 175 eldx and 175 berger elite hunter as bullet choices. My question is are faster powders really better for the shorter barrel ? And bullet weight still ok to go with the heavies [some what heavies anyway]?
My son is going to put a new 7mm rem mag barrel on his sako 75.To save some weight and keep the length manageable we are thinking 22-23 inches bc he would like to suppress it. Barrel will be an 8.5 twist bartlein and I was thinking about bullets and powder choices as we handload. Thinking 175 eldx and 175 berger elite hunter as bullet choices. My question is are faster powders really better for the shorter barrel ? And bullet weight still ok to go with the heavies [some what heavies anyway]?
Throat it for 180gr ELD-M if that magazine will allow
Its on the sako V action so we have quite a bit of room in the mag. You are a fan of the 180 eld-m for hunting? I know opinions differ on some of the match bullets being good for hunting?
180gr ELD-M is considered the best 7mm bullet ever produced for all manners of shooting. Put an ELD-M in the chest/lungs and the animal is not going far.

162gr ELD-M double lung on a 300" bull elk at 330yd from my 7RM.
That is way less carnage than I expected
That is good performance but if bumped up to 180 gr and the range increased to 500-600 yards i wonder how well it would open? Pretty sure my 156 berger eol from my 6.5 prc would have blown up they lungs a lot more than that. Now I will say I think the berger eol in prob 6.5 or 7mm is a little on the soft side so if the match bullet opens pretty consistently i would welcome that type of wound channel for sure on elk.

How fast was the muzzle velocity on 162?
Since switching to the 162gr ELD-M in my 7RM in 2021 we have killed 1 buck, 2 bulls, and 1 cow. Buck was DRT, my bull was 505yd went 10yd after shot, Sister's bull above 330yd went 30yd, my cow 500yd went 40yd (20yd on foot and 20yd sliding on her belly). Total of 80yd traveled after impact of all four animals. One shot each. Dead in seconds.

Cow was broadside double lung and looked identical to above video with a golf ball sized hole through the lungs. My buck was in the chest cavity but high and caught bottom on spine and grenaded. My bull I made an incorrect wind call and the bullet hit front of shoulder in the neck. Got lucky but the bullet did the job. Buck was the most carnage.

I'm not sure what the velocity is. They are loaded by Unknown Munitions in Peterson brass. Told them to load middle of road SAAMI spec. I have a labradar now so I can check. My 7RM is a Steyr Pro Hunter with a 25.6" barrel. I don't see why it wouldn't be around 3000fps but I could be wrong
I just got a Kimber MT 7 WSM back from getting chopped to 20”… I’m guessing I’ll be around 2900 with the 162 ELDM which suits me fine… I’ll report back once I get some rounds through it….
Since switching to the 162gr ELD-M in my 7RM in 2021 we have killed 1 buck, 2 bulls, and 1 cow. Buck was DRT, my bull was 505yd went 10yd after shot, Sister's bull above 330yd went 30yd, my cow 500yd went 40yd (20yd on foot and 20yd sliding on her belly). Total of 80yd traveled after impact of all four animals. One shot each. Dead in seconds.

Cow was broadside double lung and looked identical to above video with a golf ball sized hole through the lungs. My buck was in the chest cavity but high and caught bottom on spine and grenaded. My bull I made an incorrect wind call and the bullet hit front of shoulder in the neck. Got lucky but the bullet did the job. Buck was the most carnage.

I'm not sure what the velocity is. They are loaded by Unknown Munitions in Peterson brass. Told them to load middle of road SAAMI spec. I have a labradar now so I can check. My 7RM is a Steyr Pro Hunter with a 25.6" barrel. I don't see why it wouldn't be around 3000fps but I could be wrong
Thanks for the follow up info that is a few more data points saying it has been working out well for you. If new gun likes them will likely give them a try.