Couple things:
1) cnelk's #22 answer gets my vote for most useful suggestion.
2) The photo in #13 shows 4 spark plugs.
View attachment 586731
Other: Prior to 2003, Mercury splash well fuel lines and primer bulbs would harden and become brittle when exposed to ethyl alcohol. If hose and bulb were never replaced, the inside liner has eroded and broken into little particulates that have migrated downstream toward the fuel filter. When you replace the fuel line, cut it open and you'll see what I'm describing.
1.Replace the fuel line and bulb in the splash well.
2.Replace the fuel filters.
3.Before you attach the upstream end of the new fuel hose... mix a small can of 1 pint gas and 1 pint Sea Foam Motor Treatment... stick the upstream end of the fuel line the mix and run the engine with a water hose hooked up... run the engine until half the mixture has drawn... let the motor sit for a day or two for Sea Foam to liquefy all the gum residue from the carburetor circuits... test it after it sits and let us know what happens.
Hope this helps!