Wow lots of good feedback here.. really appreciate it all. Food for thought..
I could hunt the vast majority of the unit as a non resident.. less 10% or so.
I feel like if I shot a 320 bull diy vs a 340 or 350 guided that I'd appreciate the 320 more. Maybe I'm just a stubborn German but I've always hunted diy minus a canadian bear trip. I have nothing against guides or outfitters but like to operate at my own pace..
I totally like your attitude! Your comparison of how happy you would be with a bull that wasn’t quite as big but shot on your own is a very good way of thinking. I can already tell that you have what it takes.
Reading the above comment about having a buddy tag…. Hell I might join you just for the fun of it. I will never have that many points. I burn them on general licenses as fast as I can draw them. I know a fair amount about elk. I have every imaginable piece of gear to camp and Hunt. And I can handle the horses just fine in any country.
I find all the responses here to be interesting and informative. It’s been a great thread so far. But I want to mention one more thing.
Hunting truly big bulls it’s like mining for gold. You could be in a great area. Look at the above thread where they classed over 100 six point bulls. That’s a great area. An area like that should have a better chance to find a monster. But there are also monsters in general license areas. Those bulls don’t get to be that big by leading the same lifestyle as all the other elk. When you mind for gold, you get tons of dust. Calls rag horns five point bulls. You find some decent sized gravel. Maybe some giant five points and immature 6 points. Also a handful of good sized pebbles. Six point bulls going 300 inches and 320+. But you have to mine a lot of gold before you find a giant nugget. The point I am making is I doubt if a guide would have helped them find bulls any bigger than what they saw. Guides aren’t magicians. Quite simply there is a lot of luck involved in even getting an opportunity at bulls over 350 inches. We’re talking public land here.
Then we can get back to the fact that if you hunt on your own, you have twice as long to mine for gold. That is priceless.
Do your homework as you already are. I would highly recommend getting out there during the summer. But if you can’t put together one hell of a plan. Find some people with firsthand experience in the area and pick their brains. When it’s a once in a lifetime license people are more likely to share information because they will never go back. Shoot me a message with the unit number. I have lots of friends living in guiding in Wyoming. Maybe I know someone who can help.
Best of luck. I know how you feel. Burning all of your points after so many years makes a guy nervous.
I don’t know if any bull would make me truly happy for $15,000. How will you feel when you shoot a 320 inch bull for that much money? Ouch!