16" 308 Factory Ammo Chrono Test Results


Aug 21, 2023
Put some factory loads through my Remmington 700 SPS 16" barrel and suppressor. Below is the 3 round average.

Buffalo Bore 150g TTSX - 2713
Fed Trophy Copper 150g - 2710
Hornady Superformace 150g CX- 2664
Nosler AB 150g - 2697
Nosler AB 165g- 2633
Fed Trophy Copper 165g- 2527

Leaning toward the Buffalo Bore for my elk hunt coming up. Won't be shooting past 350 yds on this one.
The lighter/faster 150g copper for the shorter barrel is appealing, however, the Nosler speed wasn't too far behind, and that bullet has a long proud history on elk. Was frankly surprised at the Hornady's lack of speed. Cheers.
Superformance is usually pretty dang hot.

I’d have been curious what Hornady 178 ELDX would have come in at, if you had shot any. I have a bunch of it for my 16.5”
.308 but haven’t chronographed it yet.

Good to see what the 150-160 gr bullets came in at. Thx!

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