My first use of the ELDX was this year. 143 from 18” Creedmoor at 2600 fps. Sample of two deer and three bullets. First was a shot at 75 yards on a whitetail buck. He was quartering to me sharp and took the first bullet at the neck/shoulder junction. He dropped at the shot but flailed a bit so I put another in his shoulder to keep him down. It turned out to be unnecessary, but daughter was with me and I didn’t want a rodeo. Both bullets expanded dramatically. Neither exited but I recovered the shank of the second in the offside hide. I was worried the first would penetrate to the guts and make a mess, but it didn’t really. Tore his neck and shoulder up pretty bad though.
Second was a whitetail doe at 30 yards. I shot her on the right shoulder. She ran maybe 40-50 yards before piling up within sight. Again, no exit wound and dramatic expansion and damage. Bullet completely disintegrated in the deer.
I’m going to keep using them some more, I think. But butchering those deer reminded me why I stopped using SSTs out of my ‘06 years ago: bullet shrapnel everywhere and lots of meat damage. I know I make it worse by shooting them on the shoulder, but I hate tracking deer. Which is why I think I’ll keep using them a bit longer—dramatic expansion and quick kills so far.
For comparison, I shot a buck last year with the same rifle and 129 interlocks at about 30 yards, similar to this year’s doe. He ran 50 yards or so before piling up, but I had an exit wound and some blood to follow. I’m still deciding what’s preferable.