10 post rule?

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I didn’t see a new member introduction thread so I’ll do it here. I’m in the Vancouver, WA area and love archery elk hunting and long range target shooting. I’ve been lurking around here for sometime because google alway brings me here when I have a shooting/hunting related question. Honestly don’t know why I haven’t registered here years ago.
It doesn’t specifically say “new member introductions” but it’s the place for just that. https://rokslide.com/forums/forums/rokslide-fngs.102/
My opinion is that a persons Rokslide status should be based on the "reaction score" vs "messages" ratio. Thoughtful/ helpful/ funny posts get reactions.

You shouldn't be able to participate in classifieds and private messaging if you're not hilarious and helpful!
I'm with you on the initial question.
So I'm chiming in to get my quota done.

Now about the 6.5 comment.......I've got a Bergara Woodsman 6.5 I bought my wife with a Swaro on it that drives tacks! lol
So I have been a member for a year and have over 10 comments and posts. I just asked a question and it got taken down and I got slapped on the hand for asking a question as a (fng)
So I have been a member for a year and have over 10 comments and posts. I just asked a question and it got taken down and I got slapped on the hand for asking a question as a (fng)
Yes that is the current policy on unit questions

300 posts is a well-known Rokslider

Welcome to Rokslide. You should take an opportunity to look around a bit and you'll find this community is pretty awesome.

Now unfortunately we aren't letting FNG's (new guys) post up unit specific questions. Any unit question/answers remain out in the world wide webs forever, which can doom some really great spots.

Rokslide's administrations expectation is that all long standing Rokslide members will understand and support this concept and take all such conversations to private message.

Yes it's a hassle to join and be part of this community but the rewards are worth the effort including the ability to send and receive private messages.

Hope to see you active in the forums, and good luck on your hunt, that's a really good tag.
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So last year I posted a question in the forum and had great conversations and I traction that went on for a short while. Did that not count for anything? And I get the rule, it's just severely limiting in trying to be a good member when my interactions are removed.
So last year I posted a question in the forum and had great conversations and I traction that went on for a short while. Did that not count for anything? And I get the rule, it's just severely limiting in trying to be a good member when my interactions are removed.
Those interactions need to happen between members as private messages now.

We didn't single you out, this is the new policy for unit specific questions.

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