10 post rule?

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I have to slightly agree with @Fatcamp. This thread is lame... but only relative to the BOAL is home thread, which happens to be lame compared to the Ethics in hunting thread by ogdramallama. If someone really wants to get 10 posts and contribute to the site, they should start reading the aforementioned threads and then post a few memes. If you do that you'll have all the info you need to be successful in any hunt. I'll give you some free hunting advise to get you started: I live in NM and hunt all over. There are no elk left. The wolves ate them all. Idaho is good for OTC elk - go there.
Instead of worrying about post count why not contribute to the community. in time you will enjoy all the privilege others do. to me its that simple.
Some threads aren't even thread worthy

This is one of those threads. The memes are the only value derived from this nonsense, and for that I thank you noble Memecat.
It’s a tautology, or circular logic. This thread is meme worthy, because it has memes.
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