1 state to hunt

Dec 19, 2018
So I am looking to go on my first elk hunt in the next 3 to 5 years, as I live in the Midwest. I have been out west for mule deer and antelope so I am familiar with the research process and how to determine specific units and areas. I am more looking for which states would be the best to start building points in, or if I had to chose 1 state. Remember I am only planning on hunting every 3 to 5 years and I don't really have the funds to build points in 5 states every year. I want to hunt archery and I have the gear to set up a base camp and spike out for 1-3 days at a time. I will be chasing any branch antlered bull. I am most interested in Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado but any suggestions or information would be appreciated. Thanks guys
I’d start with New Mexico, a true lottery draw and you’re refunded your money if you don’t draw. No points to worry about and lots of Elk. Downside is non-resident has just under a 6 per cent chance at any given unit that has NR tags available. Of course if you’re going that many years between you could save for a landowner tag / outfitter when you’re ready.

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Since you're an archery guy, I would look at Montana. Six weeks of archery season and 4 weeks of rifle, would let you go archery and if you don't get it done, you can go back with a rifle if you have the time off.

If you wanted to stay within 1,000 miles, northern NM, most of Colorado, Wyoming and Montana are all within range and all have good opportunity. I would start buying points in Wyoming and/or Montana this fall. You missed Colorado this year.
Like wapitibob said, Wyoming. Buy the point during the point-only period for $52. When you're ready to hunt in that 3-5 year time frame, you can research and apply for the hunt you can draw at your accumulated point level.
I would go with Wyoming first Montana second. You won't need a lifetime of points to get in on a decent DIY trip if you plan ahead. Check the State websites for deadlines to purchase preference/bonus points. In the meantime, until you have enough points you could always go CO OTC archery to get your "feet wet" and gain elk hunting experience for future limited entry hunts.
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Randy Newburg had a good YouTube video explaining how to hunt elk every year. If I remember right you could apply in NM and get a refund back in time to buy points or apply in a couple of the other western states.
After the 1st trip for archery elk your mind well change to going every year. Lol. If you have all the stuff its not that expensive to go every year, it just time away from the family and vacation that hurts the most. Save a extra $100 buck a month or pick up a part time job. Done deal. There is elk in every zone,unit you just have to find them and no better way to do that than go every year.
Not a lot of help with what state or zone, but elk hunting gets in your blood more that any other hobby. Imo
Agreed with above...
Additionally, point creep will be most likely working against you if you’re only planning on drawing every 3-5 years.
colorado for sure. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting two elk in Colorado. Colorado has so many elk if you get out of your truck and just fire a round in the air you have a better chance of hitting an elk than dirt. Fact.
colorado for sure. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting two elk in Colorado. Colorado has so many elk if you get out of your truck and just fire a round in the air you have a better chance of hitting an elk than dirt. Fact.

You’re intel must be a few years old. Wyoming and Idaho are by far the best. In fact, most of the elk in Colorado migrated to Idaho and never came back.
Thanks guys this is not really a surprise to me its just nice to have some reassurance of my choices. And as far as wanting to elk hunt every year, I am already there and I haven't even started! If only I didn't have a wife and young kids at home and many other obligations, not to mention some of the best whitetail hunting in my back yard. I will be most likely getting my Wyoming point this summer and start looking at units that require 3 to 5 points to draw.
Thanks guys this is not really a surprise to me its just nice to have some reassurance of my choices. And as far as wanting to elk hunt every year, I am already there and I haven't even started! If only I didn't have a wife and young kids at home and many other obligations, not to mention some of the best whitetail hunting in my back yard. I will be most likely getting my Wyoming point this summer and start looking at units that require 3 to 5 points to draw.

WY is great but I'd guess it will be 5 or 6 years until someone just starting now is guaranteed a general elk tag in the regular draw, maybe 4 years in the special draw.
Head for Wyoming. General tag right now is 3 points, so that falls into your 3-5 year plan. Also apply to New Mexico since it’s 100% lottery and you’ll probably have one of the best elk hunts in your life if you draw. That’s the two states I apply and buy points in, and Colorado, but I live here so it’s just a given.

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Thanks guys this is not really a surprise to me its just nice to have some reassurance of my choices. And as far as wanting to elk hunt every year, I am already there and I haven't even started! If only I didn't have a wife and young kids at home and many other obligations, not to mention some of the best whitetail hunting in my back yard. I will be most likely getting my Wyoming point this summer and start looking at units that require 3 to 5 points to draw.

HAHA...get into a rut fest elk hunting with bugling slobbering bulls and no matter how big the whitetail it doesn't compare.
Not off the subject actually... do you hunt public or private at home for deer? How big are your “best deer hunting around” deer? Maybe we can help each other. I really need to find somewhere outside of Pa to hunt whitetails. It’s much easier to kill bulls in Wyoming or Montana than a half decent buck here.