1 state to hunt

Dec 19, 2018
Not off the subject actually... do you hunt public or private at home for deer? How big are your “best deer hunting around” deer? Maybe we can help each other. I really need to find somewhere outside of Pa to hunt whitetails. It’s much easier to kill bulls in Wyoming or Montana than a half decent buck here.

I hunt almost entirely private land here in Iowa, which I didn't realize how lucky I was until I traveled to hunt. PM me and we can share details, I may be interested in helping each other out.


Sep 5, 2017
Colorado OTC for the win.
Hopefully this won't be an option for long. More and more units are moving to draw only. Also, Colorado applications from non-residents is exploding. Another 40,000 more applications (all species) this season. 10,000 more for just Elk.


Mar 24, 2012
Warren Oregon
Since you want to hunt every 4-5 years, I would think you could put in for points in any one of several States and get a good unit to hunt. Oregon has some units like that, and I believe Idaho does too. With New Mexico you never know if or when you will be drawn. In Oregon you can be sure by applying for just a point when you were just wanting to add on one more. I am no expert on any State draw especially as it applies to nonresidents, but refer to Oregon as I am more familiar with that State than any other. In Oregon I think you are better off if you apply for those units that take 4-5 years to draw than those that take 15-20 years. That is just too long and the 4-5 years units are going to be able to give you a respectable (10%-20%) chance at a branch antlered bull.
Aug 10, 2018
Oxford NC
colorado for sure. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting two elk in Colorado. Colorado has so many elk if you get out of your truck and just fire a round in the air you have a better chance of hitting an elk than dirt. Fact.

So true, but I think he's talking archery hunting not rifle. Just be careful with those heavy FOC arrows and broadheads or you'll end up killing 2 or 3 elk with one shot. :rolleyes:


Jul 13, 2019
Since you want to hunt every 4-5 years, I would think you could put in for points in any one of several States and get a good unit to hunt. Oregon has some units like that, and I believe Idaho does too. With New Mexico you never know if or when you will be drawn. In Oregon you can be sure by applying for just a point when you were just wanting to add on one more. I am no expert on any State draw especially as it applies to nonresidents, but refer to Oregon as I am more familiar with that State than any other. In Oregon I think you are better off if you apply for those units that take 4-5 years to draw than those that take 15-20 years. That is just too long and the 4-5 years units are going to be able to give you a respectable (10%-20%) chance at a branch antlered bull.

Oregon sound horrible for elk hunting. 10% chance. Ouch. The more I learn about elk hunting the more I learn that we are spoiled in AZ for quality and opportunity.