I built a shed that was about 12x24 and turned 12x15 of the space into a gym and the other portion into a shed for tools and our 4wheeler. Ended up with a bike, bands, rope, jump rope, barbell and dumb bells. Not the best gym by any means but keeps us working out and moving.
I’ve got 2 close encounters. First one was 30yd from a mountain lion while deer hunting and it was stalking some deer. I tagged out with that lion about 5 seconds later.
Second was deer hunting again, and I was glassing when we had two Mtn goats come about 3-5ft from us sniffed our bags and...
I would look up Nick Adair from GDIY. He’ll be able to at the very least point you in the right direction and he has some awesome tips and tricks for training.
Boots are definitely one of the most important then glass (binos and scopes) and then clothes probably. The longer you’re comfortable the longer you can stay out and the further you can go. I love my kenetreks but I’ve heard great things about Crispis too
I got some of the tactacams for Christmas but am hoping to try the stealth cams or bushnells just to get more cameras going. Figure something is better than nothing.