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  1. lawnsausage

    Smoked Salmon Brine - Wet vs Dry

    Edit: The water and Tamari soy sauce numbers above are typos. Shoudl be 1.25 gallons water 1/2 gallon Tamari Soy Sauce I accidentally put the total liquids for two tubs, but the spices/sugar are correct for one tub. Ratio is 2.5:1
  2. lawnsausage

    Smoked Salmon Brine - Wet vs Dry

    Its that time of year again! Making room in freezer for this summer and falls alaska trips! We head to Petersburg and Yakutat each year and fish like maniacs. I grew up near Petersburg and love going back with family, friends, showing the amazing places we used to go as kids. Yakutat is just...