Search results

  1. 5

    The Chinese Wall (the one in Montana! :)) in January

    You sir are living life! Thanks for sharing such wonderful pictures.
  2. 5


    If you want good pay, flexible hours, and the possibility of being a firefighter later on go into nursing. Its one of the few jobs so saturated with women men have an advantage with hiring (help lift heavy patients, less drama, etc.). If you so choose you can work 3 days a week 12 hours a day...
  3. 5

    Got Gas?

    Bingo! The only green initiatives those fools really have is padding their pockets with dollars.
  4. 5

    Costco Credit Card Rewards season

    We got about 235 dollars last year. We always try to get gift cards/tickets from there for our family trips. I really wish they still took American Express since groceries are 6% cashback on that card.
  5. 5

    Code names you’ve used with UPS?

    Whenever I order projectiles. They always make me pick it up at the post office and I’d tell them its fishing weights. When I ship items to friends I always fill out the company name as “Dong’s and Donuts”
  6. 5

    FNG-How long

    Welcome! Ditto to what Elkslut said.
  7. 5

    FNG North Idaho

  8. 5

    FNG from the West Coast

    FNG from the west coast. Hoping to do some handgun and bow hunting this year. Its good to be here.
  9. 5

    New member from west coast.

    Welcome from a fellow west coaster and new guy!
  10. 5

    Under $700 optic for a beginner to grow with

    For $400 you can get a new vortex viper pst 2.5-10x44 or a used viper pst 6-24x50 for around $450. I have used both of these but now they are on my 6 and 9 year old kid’s rifles and they have held up really well. Matching reticles/turrets, decent glass, and vortex customer service you really...