Travel case?

Jan 29, 2013
Hey all, I’m going to be traveling & flying with my bow, need a good case for it.

I have the Hoyt 2 piece quiver & wouldn’t want to remove it each time I put the bow in the case, same with the Go Stix id want to leave that attached if at all possible.

Ideally I could bring additional arrows inside the case as well.

looking at either the Pelican 1745 Air, or an SKB (maybe the shaped i series)?

Wondering who all has one or the other & how you liked them.
I flew with this. It's a double bow/rifle, but I only used it for one bow for the extra room. I'm not sure if it would work with the quiver on though. I use a detachable quiver and then packed clothes around the bow for padding for that purpose. It's a good case though.

I’m in the same pickle right now. Looking at at SKB or Easton Bowtruk. Want to be able to carry two bows, or one bow and a lot of gear. Big weight penalty with the SKB, but a great warranty, bombproof, and they will reimburse you up to a certain amount for broken or damaged goods.

I’ve seen great reviews of the Bowtruk but I am still skeptical about a soft sided travel case.
Ya I chose the SKB for that reason. There is more weight added compared to the bowtruk, but I wanted a rigid hard case for protection. I can get by with less gear or less clothes when I travel to hunt. Often times in the USA I can just get to my destination and purchase whatever gear I couldn't get in the luggage if needed. I can't do that with a bow. If my bow shows up damaged, I'm screwed and there is no hunt without the bow. I also find that when traveling I can get all the gear I want in the carry on x2, and with 1 bow case if I put 20lbs of gear in the bow case (including the bow) and an extra luggage under the plane. I carry all my heavy stuff on the plane. You can wear hunting clothes and boots to save weight. Personally, I find I can mix and match and still have enough room/weight savings to get a hard case for the bow vs the soft case.

FWIW I flew overseas for a hunt and took two bows in separate cases under the plane and was able to take all the hunting gear I needed with only 2 carryons as additional luggage. In this application, I was again even worried that my primary bow would arrived damage I took a second in a hard case. I carried more gear than I needed even taking two sets of boots....I could have easily slimed to one bowcase and one bow. As I mentioned, the bow is the most important piece for the hunt to be successful IMO. It absolutely can be done with a hard case and the extra weight, without going so minimal on gear you feel unprepared.

But I also validate those that go with the bowtruck or another soft case, so roll with whatever you are comfortable with.
I have the V730 which I think is basically the same case. The foam is thick enough to cut out for a non removable quiver I think. Great cases. Heavy but super durable.
I dumped my SKB long ago.....and have been using the Sitka Nomad for about a decade.

I pack my bow in a soft case in the bottom and have enough room and extra weight to pack a bunch of gear and still be under the 50# limit.

I did a complete drop camp moose hunt with 2 bags; the nomad and another duffle- Clothes, gear, camp, tent, stove and food. The Nomad is about 11#
I have the Sitka Nomad as well. Huge bag, and we use it a lot for family ski gear in the winter as well. I only take the sight off my bow when traveling. Been fine so far if you pack it carefully. Plenty of room for arrows and anything else that goes along with your bow.

Biggest complaint is that the bag is so big it is very easy to go over the 50 lb limit.

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