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  1. R

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Let me give my opinion on this. I have built a bunvh of ARs over the years but am no expert at all. EVERY problem I personally have had has been as i deviate away "mil spec" parts. Not tru mil spec but lets say "quality standard" AR15 parts. Also using "non standard" parts makes it harder to...
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    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Correct me if i am wrong. But it looks like the consensus is a 77gr TMK is GTG on game. I know the TMK is a Sierra. But is there a particular brand or type of ammo you guys are using? Or as long as it is actual 77gr Sierra TMK in a quality load it is GTG? I have a T3x in 6.5 Creedmoor that i am...
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    First time reloading rifle

    Thanks for all the good info guys. I have been traveling for work for the last 10 years. Move every 6 months. So my reloading stuff is in storage. We are thinking of planting roots and so I have been contemplating breaking out the press. But it wont be anytime soon. But planning.
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    First time reloading rifle

    I ahve done a lot of reloading pistols and straight wall 357 Max over the years. Using a sime Rockchucker. For pistols i didnt trim cases and used a simple Lee powder thrower. I am considering reloading for my 6.5 Creedmoor. I only need to reload about 60 rounds a month, not high volume. I...
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    Magnification range for elk

    I am new to elk hunting. Took my first elk this winter and I am toying with the idea of more magnification. Currently using a 2-10 which has been on a few hunting rifles. It is a very versatile range. Worked great in the southeast for deer and hog hunting. But now I am out west and it sits on a...
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    Non resident montana elk tag

    It wont let me edit my last post so I am going to go down a rabbit hole and derail my own thread. Iam a travel nurse and have spent the last 10 years out in Montana and Wyoming fom March through October. Winters I would travel various other states. I have spent two winters working in Montana...
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    Non resident montana elk tag

    Personally i hope not. I have been out here for 10 years doing seasonal work and moving in and out of state. I am not a reasident of MT so I am dealing with being a non resident. But for the last 10 years i have spent more time in MT than anywhere else. I feel like over that time I have grown to...
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    tikka superlite with CTR stock?

    I know this is a old thread. But I just put a CTR stock on my T3x Vail which is basicly a fancier Lite. The Vail has a medium contour barrel so it fits the CTR stock channel well. With a Lite barrel you will have a bigger gap. Lite bottom metal fits but has a 1-2mm gap around it in the CTR...
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    Non resident montana elk tag

    Thanks for the good advice. One more stipid question. If i put in for a Montana tag and dont get one does it still cost me $1400 or do I only pay if i get drawn? The advice sounds like i should put in for a Montana tag. I spend a LOT of time near Helena and gettin a Montana tag would mean i...
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    Non resident montana elk tag

    That is about as clear as anyone could make it.
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    Non resident montana elk tag

    Can just pay for the tag and hun "non limited entry units"? How much would that restrict me? Would it mater if i was on private land?
  12. R

    Non resident montana elk tag

    I have read the Montana regs but still a little confused. I would like to elk hunt 2024 in Montana. I dont think i will get things inorder to be a resident so right now i am looking for info on nonresident elk tag. It looks like it will cost me about $1400 which sucks but is still cheaper than...
  13. R

    Trijicon Credo 2. 5-15X42 or Leupold VX5HD 3-15X44

    I really like my current VX5HD but have read some of the reports about them. I know it holds zero well enough to shoot some very nice groups with it. But i recall some times struggling to get it zeroed. I chalked it up to wind which it might have been. But i am going to box test it in a day or...
  14. R

    Trijicon Credo 2. 5-15X42 or Leupold VX5HD 3-15X44

    Have a VX5HD 2-10X42 which i love. But looking at switching things around for a little more magnification. On a 6.5 Creedmoor with main use is elk hunting. But i do enjoy shooting it atlonger range for practice. Had it out at 1000 yards a few days ago. 10X was acceptable but 15x would have been...
  15. R

    Why shouldn’t I get the Trijicon TenMile?

    How did you feel the glass compaired between the two?
  16. R

    Trijicon Credo® HX 2.5-15x42 user reviews requested

    Is there a reason you dont often use it over 10x? Is it just that you dont often need over 10x or is it the way the scope performs over 10x. I was thinking about switching from a 2-10 to one of these specifically toget a little more magnification.