Trijicon Credo 2. 5-15X42 or Leupold VX5HD 3-15X44


Jan 16, 2024
Have a VX5HD 2-10X42 which i love. But looking at switching things around for a little more magnification. On a 6.5 Creedmoor with main use is elk hunting. But i do enjoy shooting it atlonger range for practice. Had it out at 1000 yards a few days ago. 10X was acceptable but 15x would have been nice.

I have narrowed it down to the simple swap to the 3-15 version of exactly what i have now. The VX5HD 3-5X44. But I am also looking at the Credo 2.5-15x42. Only down sides to the Credo are 4 oz heavier, non locking turets and i preffer the firedot. Any opinions?
The vx5 has a much better eye box and thicker reticle. But the credo has a much reliability track record than anything leupold according to rokslide lore. Zero lock is nice, but certainly not needed. I have had a few leupold vx5s, own credos now.
I put the Credo on both my rifles last year. The Leupolds have nice features but just don't have a good track record of reliability based on my research. Do some research on it and decide for yourself.
I put the Credo on both my rifles last year. The Leupolds have nice features but just don't have a good track record of reliability based on my research. Do some research on it and decide for yourself.
I really like my current VX5HD but have read some of the reports about them. I know it holds zero well enough to shoot some very nice groups with it. But i recall some times struggling to get it zeroed. I chalked it up to wind which it might have been. But i am going to box test it in a day or two. I dialed it out to 1000 yards a few days ago so it it is still zeroed at two now that will say something. But I would think a good old box test will help tell me about my current VX5HD.

Kind of struggling with the desision. Love the weight of the Leupold and absolutely love the eye box. Lift the rifle up and just pefectly see a masive bight full image. To me that is important on a hunting rifle. The currrent 2-10 with the firedot feels almost as fast as a red dot with the huge eye box. But if it wont track ot wont work for me hunting.

I am a novice hunter and just took my first elk. Late season cow in NM. Took her ar 358 yards which i know isnt far but isnt short for you first one. I had a really good rest or i wouldnt have taken the shot. But with more practice i could see shooting a good bit further. With a good rest and 10X 358 didnt feel fare at all. First shot hit right where i wanted. She ran 30 yards or so, turned 180 and took a few wobbly steps. I rushed a second shot when she stepped into a opening between two trees and goofed that shot. It dropped her but was a rushed shot. First shot was double lung and was fatal. But since she was up i wanted to put another round in her.

Sorry to ramble on. Point is i never thought i would shoot more than 200-300. After shooting in the field i see that with a good rest and knowing your dope the longe ranges are just fine. For me as a novice it still all hinges on a good rest, good ranging and time to not feel rushed.

Not sure i need the 15X but it would make my off season practice a lot more fun. I figured a "hunting rifle" would not be fun to shoot. You know, fun to carry not fun to shoot. But the Tikka T3x Veil with Deadair Nomad Ti is a absolute plessure, no recoild, stays on target, watch impact and all that stuff. So I am having gun burning through ammo learning my dope and banging steel.
I don’t have a Leupold scope for comparison, but have NF, Vortex, and the Credo HX model you are looking at.

I’ve shot it out to 1300ish yards, beyond that silhouette-style targets are on the edge of magnification range (for me) but the 2.5x low end is perfect for still hunting or stand hunting at closer ranges. The reticle is ideal, with a floating dot center and cheat sheet for markings at different magnification levels. Is the eye relief/exit pupil perfect at max zoom? No, but it’s 100% useable and the price point, weight bracket, other features, zero lock, and reliability as others have mentioned make for a good choice.

I wouldn’t think twice about buying another. For what it’s worth, I’m the opposite of a brand fan boy…if Leupold would have put an adjustable focus on their MK 4 HD MOA model in 2.5-10x, I would have bought one to try, but they didn’t 🤷
I have the leupold vx5hd in 3-15x44 with the firedot on my 270wsm. I zeroed it 3 years ago and shot probably 100 rounds since and hunted with it in weather from 30 degrees Celsius to -20 and it still holds zero perfectly.
I have the leupold vx5hd in 3-15x44 with the firedot on my 270wsm. I zeroed it 3 years ago and shot probably 100 rounds since and hunted with it in weather from 30 degrees Celsius to -20 and it still holds zero perfectly.
100 rds in 3 years isn't anywhere close to checking reliability. I am glad it is working for you.
I have a VX5 3-15 on my 7prc and in the process of swapping it out to the credo 2.5-15. I like the VX but was wanting something more stout. The VX5 is going on a 6.5 creed that I realistically won’t be shooting outside of 300 yards.
100 rds in 3 years isn't anywhere close to checking reliability. I am glad it is working for you.
Ya I guess I don’t use it often. When I do I’m pretty hard on it. Overall I think it’s a good hunting scope if I were shooting a 100 shots a weekend I would have bit the bullet on a night force.