Non resident montana elk tag

Every time i read these procedures for getting a MT tag, i stop after a few posts, get mad ,and reminisce about how happy i am that ditched my MT points without applying at all a couple years ago. What a crap system.
Every time i read these procedures for getting a MT tag, i stop after a few posts, get mad ,and reminisce about how happy i am that ditched my MT points without applying at all a couple years ago. What a crap system.
That’s a pretty neat story 👍🏼
I got burned too. Bought a point in 2022, nothing in 23. Had intended to apply in 24 to retain point, and poof, my point is gone. Guess "every other year" means I needed to apply for a tag in 23.

MT is going to shoot themselves in the foot with this one. Smarter to just do like WY and jack up the prices in a more obvious way.
I got burned too. Bought a point in 2022, nothing in 23. Had intended to apply in 24 to retain point, and poof, my point is gone. Guess "every other year" means I needed to apply for a tag in 23.

MT is going to shoot themselves in the foot with this one. Smarter to just do like WY and jack up the prices in a more obvious way.
They should keep keep doing what they are doing and jack the price up that would be ideal!
They should keep keep doing what they are doing and jack the price up that would be ideal!
Personally i hope not. I have been out here for 10 years doing seasonal work and moving in and out of state. I am not a reasident of MT so I am dealing with being a non resident. But for the last 10 years i have spent more time in MT than anywhere else. I feel like over that time I have grown to appreciate the challanges that Montana is facing and I sympathize. I am happy to have out of state pay a significantly higher fee if it allows the residents who have grown up here continue their way of life. Hell, residents and "normal" income people like me already cant afford housing.

I understand a large portion of the economy is driven by tourism and the high non reaident prices are part of that. Until I become a resident I will do my part and pay into it. But it does hurt my wallet and I hope it doesnt continue to clime.
It wont let me edit my last post so I am going to go down a rabbit hole and derail my own thread. Iam a travel nurse and have spent the last 10 years out in Montana and Wyoming fom March through October. Winters I would travel various other states. I have spent two winters working in Montana which gave me a good idea of year round Montana weather. But Montana and Wyoming have been the consistency for 10 years. I absolutely love it out here. It pains me to see the growth in areas around Bozeman and to see the "progress" that happens and loss of trail systems, loss of recteation areas and increase in housing costs. I work with people that grew up here and simply cant afford it any more becouse of all the out of state people moving in. It also pains me to admit that I am part of the problem becouse I am a "out of state" person wanting to move here. But at least I do my best to understand the situation and the impact I bring. Believe me when i say I recognize how great a place Montana is even with its challanges and I would like to preserve that.

Anyone who doubt how good some of the states like MT, WY, ID and even parts of CO and nothern NM are, just go visit the east coast. Little strips of public land, regulated beyond belief with swarms of people.

Sorry about the rant. $1200 for me to hunt MT hurts. But I will do it becouse I appreciate the opertunity I have.
No that’s not correct. If you don’t draw you get a full refund minus the application fee.

You are confusing with the 80% refund option if you don’t get a limited entry permit.
Yes, but...... You get 100% of the Big Game Combo fee, but...

You don't get a refund for the base hunting license, conservation license, aquatic invasive species or preference point fee (if you chose to buy one) in addition to the 5$ application fee. You're out about $140 just to apply for the general tags with preference point option.


Tman 24

That wasn't me so much being wrong as much as me being lazy and not trying to be spot on about the cost.

My main point was that you get the majority of your money back if you want it back when you don't draw. Jeremy got it right though I think but I am still lazy so I didn't actually go over the numbers but I'm not concerned over the exact cost anyway. If I don't draw I probably won't drive the 4500 miles to catch a fish and shoot a bird but will be content enough as I wouldn't expect to draw with only one point. Now if I didn't draw with 2 points I might be a bit pissed as I would have paid for 4 (2 bird and 2 fishing tags) I really can't use and I don't expect their resale value is very good :unsure:
Yes, but...... You get 100% of the Big Game Combo fee, but...

You don't get a refund for the base hunting license, conservation license, aquatic invasive species or preference point fee (if you chose to buy one) in addition to the 5$ application fee. You're out about $140 just to apply for the general tags with preference point option.


Tman 24

That wasn't me so much being wrong as much as me being lazy and not trying to be spot on about the cost.

My main point was that you get the majority of your money back if you want it back when you don't draw. Jeremy got it right though I think but I am still lazy so I didn't actually go over the numbers but I'm not concerned over the exact cost anyway. If I don't draw I probably won't drive the 4500 miles to catch a fish and shoot a bird but will be content enough as I wouldn't expect to draw with only one point. Now if I didn't draw with 2 points I might be a bit pissed as I would have paid for 4 (2 bird and 2 fishing tags) I really can't use and I don't expect their resale value is very good :unsure:
But you won't have a fishing license. You have to draw the elk tag combo to get that included. You just get hunting, conservation, and invasive species stamp.

Just one more way MT makes this whole process weird and annoying.

Truth is most of them have only lived here a few years and talk smack like that.
The worst ones are the new transplants.
Lived here my whole life so has my dad and his dad so on and so forth thanks for you concern though… changes are coming and I have a feeling the non res aren’t going to like a lot of them!
Lived here my whole life so has my dad and his dad so on and so forth thanks for you concern though… changes are coming and I have a feeling the non res aren’t going to like a lot of them!

Montana has statutorily allocated 17,000 nonresident elk tags since Christ was a kid.

How is further shafting the non resident who keeps the lights on for FWP going to fix the influx of transplants moving to the state?

Montana has picked up an additional 300,000 residents in the past 30 years. 21% of Montana residents have a hunting license. Doing the math there, it’s pretty easy to see where your problems are coming from.

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Montana has statutorily allocated 17,000 nonresident elk tags since Christ was a kid.

How is further shafting the non resident who keeps the lights on for FWP going to fix the influx of transplants moving to the state?

Montana has picked up an additional 300,000 residents in the past 30 years. 21% of Montana residents have a hunting license. Doing the math there, it’s pretty easy to see where your problems are coming from.

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that 17000 is just the combo tag don’t forget the 5000 deer only tags sold, college kids can buy a tag, they have those dumb come home to hunt tags, landowner sponsor tags, the plethora of doe tags this state gives out is absurd! What was it the year before last there was a total of 60 some thousand non res tags given…. You can shove that 17000 number where the sun don’t shine. Montana should up the non res prices they get to have a general tag free for all for the entire state hopefully that will be coming to rest soon and they have to put in for a hd to hunt. In the mean time Why not make money on them when they will pay it! You out of staters only shoot yourselves in the foot because you continue to pay every time a state raises the price! Good luck though in your future endeavors
There is actually around 60,000 nonresident hunting licenses/tags sold in Montana each year. Just like 406huntermt said. Most residents can only hunt weekends because they are paying for an expensive house, and high cost of living.

Related to the post on page one, I believe you can buy NR preference points from July-October. I know bonus points are available later on.
that 17000 is just the combo tag don’t forget the 5000 deer only tags sold, college kids can buy a tag, they have those dumb come home to hunt tags, landowner sponsor tags, the plethora of doe tags this state gives out is absurd! What was it the year before last there was a total of 60 some thousand non res tags given…. You can shove that 17000 number where the sun don’t shine. Montana should up the non res prices they get to have a general tag free for all for the entire state hopefully that will be coming to rest soon and they have to put in for a hd to hunt. In the mean time Why not make money on them when they will pay it! You out of staters only shoot yourselves in the foot because you continue to pay every time a state raises the price! Good luck though in your future endeavors

Everything you’ve listed isn’t anything new. It’s always been the status quo. The deer combo tags have been allocated the same way as the elk. Antlerless tags are antlerless tags. They’re a management tool. The state of MT doesn’t care who pulls the trigger from a management perspective, the just want the trigger pulled. With that said, I don’t think any residents didn’t have ample opportunity beyond nonresidents to access those antlerless tags. Come home to hunt. . . Maybe Johnny come home’s great grandpappy settled the land that your grand pappy bought? College students. . . They’re paying out of state tuition to the state and they’re residing in the state for 9 months out of the year.

The 1,000 pound purple gorilla in the room are the 300,000 Joneses that moved from California who want to “source their own protein”

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