I have several Christensen rifles that are fine other than some less than smooth bolting/feeding. Shoot good.
I’m commenting because this is a great discussion thread and for all the redneck experience I have, I’d somehow never heard of Seekins until today!
I have both and use the phoneskope as you still have to try to find the right spot with the magview. I just received the updated case for the new iPhone and haven’t used it yet, but even before it made good pics.
If ohineskope would trim down the bulk on the case it would be much better. No...
No info on R&K.
I do have strong opinions on the rut and moon.
I will hunt next year January 13-20. Rut usually 5th through 25th or so) will be on and new moon is the 11th. Full moon is the 25th and they’ll run all night starting around the 22nd and really shorten your hunting days.
I’ve been working hard to reduce the weight of ll my equipment because of mobility issues in the steep stuff. The rifle is one component of that.
I haven’t given up accuracy in the ranges I shoot going from 9# to 7#.