R&K Mexico Mule Deer


Mar 19, 2018
Columbus, MS
Considering a México (Hermosillo area) mule deer hunt with R&K Hunting. Any information regarding their hunting operation would be appreciated.

Also, does anyone have any experience on moon phases and hunting pre-rut (early December) vs the rut in Mexico (2nd or 3rd week in January.

Thanks for everything the forum does.
No info on R&K.

I do have strong opinions on the rut and moon.

I will hunt next year January 13-20. Rut usually 5th through 25th or so) will be on and new moon is the 11th. Full moon is the 25th and they’ll run all night starting around the 22nd and really shorten your hunting days.

On hunting December, going to Sonora is all about being able to hunt the rut. A big, mature mule deer even with 30” antlers is damned hard to find on a 30,000 acre ranch with little topography variation if he has no reason to move.