.260 Remington do-all?


Jan 29, 2022
I just got into a 260 Remington in a 700. I got a ton of ammo and it’s all mixed bag. Mostly light stuff but some 129 grain SSTs being the heavier of the hunting ammo. All told I’ve got about 180 various rounds sitting here.

I’m looking forward to figuring out what the gun likes. But I’m also of the opinion that if the 6.5 can be regarded as a do all type gun, why not the 260 rem?

So I’m considering loading one round to rule them all, once I get set up. If you’re familiar with the 260 rem and so inclined; what round would you build and why?
Try different bullets. Mine liked bullets in the 120-130g range and did not like the 149 eld’s. 8.5 twist with 4350sc.
Berger 130 Hybrid OTM. It is a short bullet that was designed to run in a short action magazine. It has a high BC. It is easy to get to shoot. It kills stuff dead. It has a short bearing surface which allows it to be run fast enough to be nearly equal to 140 class bullets as far as drop and wind deflection.
Such a loaded question. Is it a custom/factory rifle?. What’s the barrel/twist? Are you planning on handloading for this rifle?
Have had one since 1997 and love the round, no man bun needed either ;) Many of the Remington rifles have a 1 in 9 twist unless it is recent manufacture which would be 1 in 8. With the slower twist you'll likely have to use shorter bullets and avoid the super sleek 140 gr+ bullets. Have used bullets from the 100 gr Partition up to the heavy Norma 156 gr but think the 130-140 gr class bullets are perfect for most game. The 130 gr Nosler Accubond is a favorite and have done well with the 140 gr Partition, Ballistic Tip and Speer G.S. on deer, mountain goat and black bear. For powders IMR 4350, H 4350, IMR 4451 and Stabal 6.5 is where I would start with the above bullets.
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We put a 260 ackley improved together for my kids to hunt with. 127 lrx over h4350 is all I've tried aside from fire forming loads. Accuracy is amazing, velocity is 2990 at the muzzle, and three bulls, two bucks, and a mountain lion in it's first season of active duty all agreed on the performance from ~60 yards out to 505.

Definitely checks the do all box in my book and leaves me wondering why i have anything else in the safe.
I've been in the 260ai game since well before the creed was thought of. I have more one shot bang flops on deer, elk and bear with the 260ai than anything else. Mine have all been with 142smk, 140mb or 140rdf. The closest kill is 80ish yards and 1680 on a coyote on the long end.

There's nothing that round won't work for in north America under the right conditions.

Bullet choice is simple, pick one that opens at your minimum anticipated impact velocity and rock on.
You guys are right, I need to update this a bit.

It is a custom, 21" barrel. I believe its 1:8 twist.

I DO intend to hand load specifically for this gun.
Other than the super long bullets like the 150 gr Sierra HPBT and maybe a couple others you should be able to use pretty much any other bullet you like with a 1 in 8 twist.
My 260 loves the 140 VLD sent with H4350. Bartlein 24in bbl. Blueprinted Rem700. This round has killed some critters consistently. I wouldn’t take it on a bull hunt. It hammers rutted mule deer but even had them get back up & zombie walk…….
I’ve killed close to 100 deer and elk with 129 grain SSTs in my .260s over the years. Killed somewhere in the neighborhood of 3,000 coyotes with them as well. Countless other varmints…. Can’t go wrong there in my opinion.
That’s awesome to hear from a factory load.