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    Dialing elevation for coyotes

    Currently running an iRay Hybrid 50 and use an AGM fuzion 640 to scan. Total game changer for me switching from red lights to thermal about 4 years ago. My area gets pressured fairly decent and I've noticed even with a few friends running NV that the IR light still makes coyotes shy. Thermal is...
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    Dialing elevation for coyotes

    I mainly thermal hunt at night. I prefer a flat round and most times call them in to take shots 150-200 yards with an occasional 3-350. I shoot 70gr out of a 6creed at 3723fps avg and just hold on fur out to 350. Getting a 22-250 reamed to a 22creed for a little more speed.
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    Which 6mm cartridge!?

    26" 7.5t factory Bergara Premier HMR Pro. No longer make it in 6creed. Lapua 6.5 brass necked down, CCI 200 primers, 42.6gr Varget, 70 gr SBKs 2.092" CBTO.
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    Predator gear list

    I hunt 98% of the time at night and the vehicle isn't ever more than 100yrds away. Keep my pack in the vehicle with bullets, digital scale, spare gloves, tp, bug spray and spare batteries. Usually its drive up to a spot, park the vehicle, walk 50 yards and set the call out another 20-30 yards...
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    Summer Coyote Tactics

    I find in my area that coyote vocals works great all year long. Take a listen to the foxpro podcast recently with Torry Cook and Jon Collins. Pups are out learning to hunt this time of year and they are familiar with coyote vocals. I almost always start a stand off with some type of lone howl...
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    Which 6mm cartridge!?

    I have a Bergara in 6creed and it shoots 1/2" with factory 108's. Only shot 4 coyotes with it but all drt. I just switched to 70gr bks with Varget at 3723fps. I wanted a flat round for night hunting with thermal out to 3-350 yards. Only shot 1 so far but drt.
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    Dead predator pics

    Normally don’t kill that many in a short period of time but had some spots open up and some new ones. 11 in 2.5 weeks but my partner and I are only at 51 for the year. Summer is tough because most of my spots are corn fields and some are still standing. Hopefully get 4-5 more before the end of...
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    New Hornady bullet

    Think it was just the bullets for that test. Kept pushing a little passed 3000fps and been good for the last 2 years.
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    New Hornady bullet

    I think it depends on a few factors other than just rpm to make a bullet fly apart. I was shooting a 52gr eld-m out of my 22nosler, 8tw at 3644fps avg. That puts it around 328k rpm which is over any recommended rpm but had sub 1/2" accuracy in a gas gun. My issue with them was I was getting...
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    Dead predator pics

    Love this time of year with almost all the crops down finally. Couple kills over the past 2.5 weeks. Hoping to get a few more with the holiday season.
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    Infrared Scope ve Red Light

    Great info I didn't think to mention. Warranty and buying from a reputable dealer. I just had a great example of this 4 weeks ago. I bought an Iray Hybrid from Midwest Thermal Optic and upon receiving the image was bad and I knew something wasn't right. Did a little digging and turns out the...
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    Infrared Scope ve Red Light

    Looks like they are around the $4k mark. I don't personally have experience with a Pulsar. Take a look at the Iray Bolt TL35. They're around $2700 then the rangefinder is $800. If you like more compact look, Iray has the G series with LRF option. Bering Optics just released the Super Hogster...
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    Infrared Scope ve Red Light

    I don't see any need to upgrade your scanner unless you are looking for one with LRF. If it was me I'd buy a scope with LRF either 384 or 640, depending on your budget. I've had great experience with Brad at East Coast Thermal and Kurt/Ronda at Midwest Thermal Optic.
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    Infrared Scope ve Red Light

    What Taipan did you get? I ran a Taipan TM19-384 for almost 3 years and used a Bering Optics Super Hogster to shoot with. Not having the LRF can be difficult with thermal but if you know your areas with a flat shooting round you can make due. I upgraded to a 640 scanner with LRF earlier this...
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    manage your remote

    I hunt night and run a chest pack for spare mag, drag, external battery for scanner/scope. I have my scanner hanging on the right side and remote on left side with about 8-10" of paracord holding them to the pack harness. They do swing a little when I bend over but easy access when on stand or...
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    Solo Calling Coyote

    I'd say 25% of the time I solo hunt. I do enjoy it occasionally because as others mentioned, its half the noise. I find myself spending more time per set because I take my time getting in and out. Its rewarding going out and shooting 2-3 on a set solo but can also be hectic at times. 2 sets of...
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    I will continue to run the 55nbts in my 22n as they are my favorite as well. I have some 60's but like to keep speed above 3500fps. Tossing around the idea of building a 22cm or just getting a 22-250 to run the 60's I have. Wish they would start producing the 6mm 70gr's again. I thought I read...
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    Just personal preference but I don't count it as a kill unless I put my hands on it, even if they are just going in a ditch afterwards. Price of fur isn't worth it to me to keep them anyway, I mainly do it to help farmers or the challenge.
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    I was surprised as well because I shoot 108gr eldm out of a 6cm(much slower) and it leaves a baseball size exit most times and drt. I don't keep the pelts so damage isn't a concern. I've shot a couple that flipped over, feet up then get up and run 5-10 seconds later. Of the 8 that I did recover...
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    I shot 52gr eldm's out of my 22nosler 1:8 at 3644fps but after the 4th runner due to pencil hole in/out on coyotes I switched to 55 noslers.