New Hornady bullet

How do you know/blame bullet splash, if you lose the animal, and at night? I’ve always liked the Vmax
Great question, but if you shoot enough you figure it out. Vmax at lower velocities and quartering shots is a great recipe for runners and has been known for a long time.
Where did you hit and what distance?
45-50 yards running towards me with a right to left angle. Tried yelling at it to get it to stop but it kept motoring. I was behind it a bit, first shot was a hip shot which was messy as I'd expect. Follow up was a frontal shot at base of neck/chest intersection with baseball sized entrance.
45-50 yards running towards me with a right to left angle. Tried yelling at it to get it to stop but it kept motoring. I was behind it a bit, first shot was a hip shot which was messy as I'd expect. Follow up was a frontal shot at base of neck/chest intersection with baseball sized entrance.
Nice. Thanks for the feedback
I shot my 2nd 62 eldvt coyote last night while calling. Range was in the 200-250 yard neighborhood which should have put the impact velocity in the 2700fps range. Face on sitting coyote frontal chest shot, splatter visible in the scope, coyote went down hard with a fist sized hole, heart lungs hanging out
What's your opinion on how the bullets performed?
So far I like them. I really liked the 69tmk at around 3300fps, in my creedmoor I have them going 3480 ish and they can have some fur issues at times. These eld vt's are going much faster and I feel they are on par or a touch better fur wise than the tmk.

Obviously the higher b.c. is a plus

Will be loading up more and getting them on some more dogs. Hope hornady kicks out some more soon.