Summer Coyote Tactics

A thing to keep in mind is at this time of the year there are lots of very young coyotes on the ground. Using (adult) coyote vocals can scare them off. I like using pup howls to locate.
I find in my area that coyote vocals works great all year long. Take a listen to the foxpro podcast recently with Torry Cook and Jon Collins. Pups are out learning to hunt this time of year and they are familiar with coyote vocals. I almost always start a stand off with some type of lone howl but I do mix in pup vocals as well as pup & adult fights.

This past Friday at the first stand we killed 5, a male and female double, 3-4 minutes later a lone female and 3 minutes later 2 pups came in. Started the stand with MFK boone lone howl and within the first 5 seconds of the howl the pack lit up. 2-3 howls later the pair came out. I do not wait long between sounds. 30-45 seconds usually.

I would say more importantly this time of year is hunting where you know dogs are and getting in close if possible. They are still in the general area of their den site. 2 weeks ago I had a landowner send me trail cam pics of an adult and 2 pups. I went in with an hour left of light exactly where the camera was, lone howled once and they sounded off. 5 minutes later I had 2 pups down, one with a shotgun.
Pup and adult fights, Yes! Wow, can those work well sometimes!! Especially if not too much of a stretch away from where you're pretty sure their Den is!

And whenever possible, get that caller off the ground! Get it stuffed up into a bush like chest height! If the habitat allows it anyway.

Really works great because they HAVE to come to a stop before then can even attempt to extend themselves upward to further investigate, so seems like ya end up getting more milliseconds to make the shot.

In my scenario it's mostly in the middle of a Juniper orchard, with no more than like 35-yds visibility in any one particular clearing within that orchard. So those milliseconds are significant.
Then... today... this one came in, kinda "hung-up" at this edge of Junipers... and wouldn't commit to crossing the space over to the "island" of the singular juniper clump I shoved the caller into at chest height.

Bay Bee Jack... didn't see anything, except some crows noting it.

Pup Guillotine, this worked well in this area before. But their Den is a bit away, so I figure try,

Bay Bee Jack 2.

And that's when I spotted the one that wouldn't commit. After he backed away out of view, I thought might be a good idea to try the Pup Guillotine again. So I did. And then... it was already 98F, so I called it and shut the caller off.

But, they always say wait at least 10min after shutting off caller, in case one is late coming in to what was playing a second ago. So I wait a bit. Then, I commit to standing up, and as I do so, I now see that this same curious yote had looped around this Juniper I'd seen him back away around. (The other edge of it obscured from my view until standing).

So he stayed there staring at me, so I figure WTH, let's try raising the shotgun anyway, maybe he won't bolt? (I was in leafy jacket and facemask) and sure enough? Totally didn't run! So I was like "Mistake! ... POP!" HEVI-BISMUTH to the head/face. Stunned him for a lil bit, then he ran, while rounding the corner of a Juniper his hind end slid out, so I'm sure it wasn't long after he'd expired. But dang it, I couldn't find him! This place is THICK with Juniper though. So if they can run a lil ways and get out of your FOV? Be dang hard to find 'em. Haven't had to go looking before with this load either.

But anyway... at least I got my limit of Doves this Morning before 8:30am, sitting "Between Two Junipers" and waiting for them to come in to my decoy spread and Mourning Dove calling. (Was already 98F by then, Eek!)
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Last night I went a little deeper into an area where I always seem to hear them howling. Made the approach with wind in my face and started with some lone howls. Got an immediate response from several coyotes in a few directions. Gave it some time, then switched to MFK pup pack. Break, then MFK pound town. Still nothing. At this point, I had been calling maybe 20 min, so I muted the call and just watched for a bit. Maybe 3-4 min after stopping the call, a hound coyote popped over the horizon and came in to 100 yards before the 6 ARC sent an ELDM it’s way.


Last night I went a little deeper into an area where I always seem to hear them howling. Made the approach with wind in my face and started with some lone howls. Got an immediate response from several coyotes in a few directions. Gave it some time, then switched to MFK pup pack. Break, then MFK pound town. Still nothing. At this point, I had been calling maybe 20 min, so I muted the call and just watched for a bit. Maybe 3-4 min after stopping the call, a hound coyote popped over the horizon and came in to 100 yards before the 6 ARC sent an ELDM it’s way.

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"Hound coyote" Huh? That is a really cool looking flavor of coyote fur coloration! Kinda like they mated back in with some Domestic dog breed here or there or sumpin' maybe?
Not necessarily a summer technique, but it was still warm out haha. My brother in law had killed a bull elk during archery season last week. I went to the area the carcass was in and was able to catch this coyote in the field adjacent to the carcass. Coyote vocals got him to start barking, then he started to trot my way. He’d stop and sit for a while, then I’d let out a howl or two and he would be back on the string again. Came in to about 50 yards.

6 ARC strikes again!

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During the hunting seasons (so more of a fall technique per se), I definitely try to circle back to areas where I know a carcass is present.
SOOO Wish!! But.... I was born in KommieFornia. :(
No prarie dogs for bait where I live either. Sure is a shame when the bag of dog food I'm carrying in the woods rips open. No choice but to defend it from coyotes until I can retrieve it to feed my dogs.
And don't you just hate it? When you're out hiking and the large pot you were bringing with you to use at the campsite, falls out of your hand and tumbles down the hill, getting all beat up and old looking, then comes to rest at some spot.. and then a rain happens and it becomes filled with water.

Funny how the critters then smell that lil pot full of water and come in curious to check it out. Especially in very hot environs, such as Mojave.