I also didn't click the leftover option and it cost me big time. I've never hunted out west before, and no matter what I'm mule deer hunting (archery hunt) somewhere this fall. I got to that point of the application (leftover option) and I didn't understand how it worked and I mistakenly...
Your time has come for PY! Lighted nock and bow-mounted cameras are now allowed in PY!
To answer the question, I enter all qualifying animals. I have 5, all whitetails and they are in the book. Why do I do it? It is hard to explain. One reason is I don't shoot any whitetail that won't...
I think all the calls had something to do with the CPW putting out a draw results summary showing almost no NR drew a tag. Of course they removed it quickly, but the damage was done.
I've been a lurker on here for a couple years, but this is my first post so I'll give a brief introduction with my post. I'm a pretty hardcore whitetail hunter from Southern IL. I am also an avid archer, traveling all over the country to compete in 3d archery tournaments. I have a wife and a...