Search results

  1. Pilgrim

    WTS Range Finding Binos - Vortex Fury HD 5000 + Extras

    Reduced to $1,200 for all, shipped TYD lower 48.
  2. Pilgrim

    WTS Range Finding Binos - Vortex Fury HD 5000 + Extras

    Reduced to $1,200 for all, shipped TYD lower 48. For sale, package deal - $1,350 shipped lower 48: (Links below) - Vortex Fury HD 5000 10X42 Binos (MSRP $1,600) - Vortex bino harness (included with purchase of binos) - Tripod adapter installed on binos ($15-$20 or something like that) - Outdoor...
  3. Pilgrim

    SW MO / NW AR Regional Roksliders

    I haven't messed around on these forums for quite some time. I organized a few rallies back in '14-'15 or so and still keep regular contact with a couple fellers from those events. One recently stopped by the house to drop off some gear I let him borrow for an elk hunt. Anybody interested in a...
  4. Pilgrim

    Arrow inserts to allow blood flow

    Beendare - my comments aren't self-promo. I didn't invent this. A friend of mine came up with it. I don't make any money off of this and he isn't either (yet...?). I don't disagree with any of the personal reasons why most people with neither never use Blood Trax nor even try it. Like I said, I...
  5. Pilgrim

    Coffee !!!!!

    I have a stash of hotel tea and coffee hotel packets but I'm trying to get Eric Hadley at Got Your 6 Coffee to put together something for people like us.
  6. Pilgrim

    Arrow inserts to allow blood flow

    I can get quite winded on this topic but I'll do my best to keep it short and useful while making known that I am happy and willing to answer more questions either here or via direct messaging. I am not associated with Lone Wolf products. The IV / VG appears to be a mimic of a product with...
  7. Pilgrim

    Colorado Elk Leftover List Please?

    Tried to tag someone, didn't notice that it didn't work here.
  8. Pilgrim

    Colorado Elk Leftover List Please?

  9. Pilgrim

    Sitka Ascent Jacket / Pant Set - $200 TYD

    Both pieces Optifade Open Country. Jacket SZ XL Pant SZ 34T Very little field use. No rips, tears, snags, stains, etc. I have thoroughly inspected. Need to upgrade my rain gear, selling this set to fund that. I had this set listed some time back much closer to retail. I now just need to get...
  10. Pilgrim

    Southwest Missouri Winter Backpacking

    Won't be the last time, my friend!
  11. Pilgrim

    Southwest Missouri Winter Backpacking

    Trip went well! Cut it short at the half-way point due to hamburger heels... trusted a boot I knew better than to trust. We day-hiked a little and camped a second night. Can't ask for better backpacking and camping company!
  12. Pilgrim

    Southwest Missouri Winter Backpacking

    This isn't a party-type trip. Just enjoying the country and solitude with good company and story-telling. I'm not familiar with all the stops between Boxley and Kyle's Landing, can you recommend any good resources for that online? I'm not going limit anyone joining us, by any means, but it's...
  13. Pilgrim

    Southwest Missouri Winter Backpacking

    We've got six people locked on for a two night, 20 mile trip. I can't believe it, haha! This is gonna be awesome!
  14. Pilgrim

    Southwest Missouri Winter Backpacking

    I know it's two weeks out and the weather can change a lot b/w now and then, but here's the extended forecast for Boxley. Like September in the high country!
  15. Pilgrim

    Southwest Missouri Winter Backpacking

    Shit just got real. We've got 5 in "for sure" and another four "maybes." Buffalo River Trail, Northwest Arkansas Friday-Sunday, 17-19 February Boxley to Kyle's Landing, 20 miles PM for details of you're interested.
  16. Pilgrim

    Southwest Missouri Winter Backpacking

    We settled on Sat./Sun., February 18/19. Probably going to end up making it a 3-day / 2-night trip by including Friday, as well. Looks like three of us for certain right now with two "maybes." No location settled yet, but it will be SW MO or NWA.
  17. Pilgrim

    Where to start....confused new guy

    Look up the unit-specific statistics associated with game species of choice in whichever state you want to hunt. Lurking / searching sites like this is also a great place to start.
  18. Pilgrim

    Mountainsmith mountain shelter lt

    Just chiming in for anyone curious. This is a phenomenal back-up shelter. I have one that I ran as my primary a few times and I just can't bring myself to get rid of it. For the price here, very well worth having in your kit as a solid backup.
  19. Pilgrim

    Southwest Missouri Winter Backpacking

    A few of us, some on here - some not, are spit-balling a trip. We're looking at mid-Jan or February. Once we have dates, we'll talk location. I'll keep y'all posted.