WTS Range Finding Binos - Vortex Fury HD 5000 + Extras


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Aug 25, 2012
Elkland, MO
Reduced to $1,200 for all, shipped TYD lower 48.

For sale, package deal - $1,350 shipped lower 48:
(Links below)
- Vortex Fury HD 5000 10X42 Binos (MSRP $1,600)
- Vortex bino harness (included with purchase of binos)
- Tripod adapter installed on binos ($15-$20 or something like that)
- Outdoor Vision Gear bino harness (on their site for $98)

The latest I've heard, which was about a week ago, Vortex is 12-14 months out from having any Fury 5000s in stock. Although, you might be able to find some at a retailer somewhere.

- Purchased spring of 2020, these binos have seen a couple sits in a treestand here in southwest Missouri and one trip to Colorado.
- "Like new" condition. No bumps, drops, or marks of any kind.
- Comes with the original box and everything that came in the box.
- I installed a tripod adapter, it stays with the binos.
- Tossing in the Outdoor Vision Gear bino harness.

I may not be responsive on this thread over the weekend so feel free to text:

Link to Binos:
Link to Outdoor Vision Gear Bino Harness:
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