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  1. E

    "DOI will work with HUD to identify lands to offload for the development of affordable homes"

    Overturn Citizens United and get rid of the money component.
  2. E

    "DOI will work with HUD to identify lands to offload for the development of affordable homes"

    I also would support this. However, I think given the previous opinions of the current Interior secretary as well as the major attempt to cut government spending by the administration that any amount of money made will not be used in such a way. I think that we would all support this but it...
  3. E

    Telepathy - truth or science fiction?

    I was so excited to see this article and I can tell you I’m even more excited at where the link took me 😂. Well played, master class
  4. E

    "DOI will work with HUD to identify lands to offload for the development of affordable homes"

    Not sure how to do it, but we need to break the relationship between growth and the economy/power. Growth at the level we see across the planet is unsustainable. If we could level everything off and be at basic replacement rates or even if we were slightly declining, it would be better for...
  5. E

    Too many elk in Montana?

    They continue to prove time and time again that they don’t have an interest in lowering elk numbers. If they were truly suffering this level of damage and did not want to let random people on, they would be calling all of their buddies that they knew to come out and shoot elk on their property...
  6. E

    well, guess these things are real

    Didn’t you know that a Bigfoot's hair is reflective and causes an invisibility cloak around them when the noise of the camera shutter goes off? That’s why you get all those pictures that look like grass swaying. It’s Bigfoot frolicking about in your photos without a care in the world.
  7. E

    "DOI will work with HUD to identify lands to offload for the development of affordable homes"

    Agreed. Fission is way safer than people make it sound, it’s the waste that is an issue. Hopefully we will see more investment into that in the future along with population stagnation or even decline. Imagine all the hunting we could all do with less people! I saw that this last year they were...
  8. E

    "DOI will work with HUD to identify lands to offload for the development of affordable homes"

    I would love to see that as being the mechanism. If they’re out here talking about land swaps and we get equal or better land out of it, I can live with it. I’m just concerned that they’re in it for the corporate money/hobby ranches not for the principle of making more affordable housing.
  9. E

    "DOI will work with HUD to identify lands to offload for the development of affordable homes"

    I guess when I say developed I mean any type of project that sells the land away from the public. If they develop trails, roads, etc. for recreational access, I’m more supportive of that. I’d love for it all to be wilderness cause it would be great hunting but that’s just not possible.
  10. E

    "DOI will work with HUD to identify lands to offload for the development of affordable homes"

    I wish I could stop development in its tracks but I know that I can’t. Our nation is growing whether we like it or not, but we can slow/stop the growth in some ways over time. I won’t get into that specifically because it does revolve around a lot of politics and issues that aren’t relevant to...
  11. E

    "DOI will work with HUD to identify lands to offload for the development of affordable homes"

    My goals are to develop as little public land as possible. I think we can all agree on that. I believe there is a way to do it without developing any public land, you don’t. It’s just a disagreement on things that there is really no factual data on. Why isn’t the administration doing an...
  12. E

    The CWD scam

    See these are good questions. How do we fix the problem long term? I’m not sure what I would do specifically. I think with limited resources and an idea of spatial distribution of prevalence, I would focus harvest efforts of hunters on either the leading edge of where it is or the “hotspots”...
  13. E

    The CWD scam

    You have to soak it in that solution for a while. There are a lot of guidelines for it that are supported by scientific research when it comes to inactivating the prion. It just doesn’t work with porous surfaces. It also doesn’t last forever, I forget how long but it does fade over time. I’ve...
  14. E

    Corner Crossing: Public Wins!

    CO, KS, OK, WY, UT, and NM are the states this decision pertains to. Additionally, at this point the decision is likely limited to BLM land, but I think that these LOs would knee cap themselves if they try to sue someone doing this on another type of public land. There’s a lot of ways this could...
  15. E

    The CWD scam

    It’s not tainted forever. You can inactivate the prion with 40% bleach solution. It only works on non-porous surfaces like knives, tables, etc., but it still is possible to inactivate it in these scenarios. If people didn’t freak out about the government telling them to do something, and there...
  16. E

    "DOI will work with HUD to identify lands to offload for the development of affordable homes"

    Don’t want to get myself too involved in this pissing match but just for context, that land is doing something regardless of whether or not there’s deer, elk, insert your favorite animal to hunt here on it. Every piece of land is habitat for something whether that be ground squirrels, owls...
  17. E

    Mandatory Harvest Reporting--what states don't have it?

    Maybe NM prompts you to do it before the draw now but I don’t think they used to. They would remove your application from the draw if you had not done it by a specified date and time after the draw application deadline. I have heard varying reasons from people in agencies as to why they do or...
  18. E

    The CWD scam

    And you’re in the right for being skeptical. Healthy skepticism is what keeps science improving. It’s unhealthy skepticism, conspiracies, that has been proven wrong over and over that is a problem. There are papers that have squeaked through the cracks of peer review and generally they never...
  19. E

    Texas House Representative files bill to abolish Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

    Bill has been killed. Here is what the person who brought the bill up had to say. Hope he also thinks about deer breeding infringing on the safety of public trust that is deer and wildlife in Texas.
  20. E

    The CWD scam

    You’re 100% correct when it comes to models not being able to truly account for nature. Theres this quote that almost every modeling class I have ever taken has shown: “All models are wrong, some are useful” - GC Box. And most recently I have seen a funnier, more pessimistic way of phrasing it...