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  1. D

    Kenetrek Gaiters on Midway for $14.99

    Got 2 pairs. Thanks
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    Efficient Cartridges

    The easy answer is as many have already said... .308 based cartridges (most anyhow). If you wanted to be REAL efficient id say my 6mmBR shooting a 105 Berger at 3000fps w 30gr of varget is hard to beat. That being said, the big boomers really are all that trips my trigger these days. The heart...
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    Is Morels?

    Depending on how old they are when you find them, the ant larvae can be pretty thick. Soaking them seems to flush them out. Flavor is still awesome. Follow your heart i guess.
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    Prong Horn recipies

    Marinate in soy, balsamic, spicy mustard and fresh garlic. Sear to med rare. Mouth is watering just thinking about it. 😊
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    What kind of dog is this?

    Short-Eared couch hound. Being the owner of a long-eared couch hound, i recognize the lineage😁
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    Motorcycle Recomendations

    I'd tend to agree with you on the hard pack thought, but i thought the same about that 760 up front. Time will tell i guess. The sidewalls alone pretty much keep that wheel up, so I'll do a little testing on the air pressure in a day or two. Waiting on a new battery.
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    Motorcycle Recomendations

    If you go the TW200 route, wider pegs, a rear rack, skid plate, and a led headlight are great upgrades. On the other hand, the front tire should go before any of those. It isnt called the "deathwing" for nothing. On anything loose in the turns, she wants to face plant you with a vengeance...
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    LRI-LongRifles, Inc Bolt Fluting

    Had 3 done and all have been perfect. Totally pointless work but i find it sexy. Regarding the honest reviews, i appreciate them.
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    Are Mora knives pretty good?

    Ive got the exact one. Steel is definitely better and clearly even different looking (not buffed). Hopefully the new versions are the same. They even have a different grind from the others ive bought more recently (non-ferro). Prob not even gonna touch up after a deer this last season. At least...
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    Pfizer clinical trial data: not good at all

    At times like these, I find it best to let Salty put a fine point on the issue at hand.😁
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    Pfizer clinical trial data: not good at all

    Will just leave this here: Im sure the statist bots on here will object to factual data being presented in a clear and concise format. NPCs are always triggered by the folken getting a full picture of the...
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    Looking for a wagon, commuting and road trips

    Back when i was a broke as a joke college kid i had a 90's camry wagon. Absolutely loved that thing. Brought it in places I had no business going. Met a jeep club out in the back country one time and they were like "Man, "What in the hell are you doing out here in that??" I just remember saying...
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    Elk .243 or 25-06

    I feel like a broken record, but 110gr Accubond in the 25-06 going 3200fps is just plain lethal. Your mileage will not vary😉
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    Other hunters lying

    "When we got back to camp I went over my notes, and realized the unit and seasons did not match, and I did not see a tag on the animal. Not sure if the guy took the animal out of season or shot it else where." My gawd man, Karen much?
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    What made you Happy today?

    Absolutely everything. Today was the deer opener and despite someone edging me out by minutes to the spot i was planning on, I could care less. Put the miles on in some beautiful is grand. Not gonna lie though, some unfortunate soul stepping out before end of shooting light would...
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    New Truck/Camper/SxS setup....your thoughts?

    My XP4 is just shy of 13ft iirc. That is one hell of a long flatbed!
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    Where does the dog go in your truck?

    On point and ready for anything at all times. 😉
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    Finally got it done! First Bull!!!

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    Finally got it done! First Bull!!!

    Congratulations on a great bull. Out of cutiosity, what rangefinder were you using?
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    dumping/littering on public/all land

    No need to pick up your trash if you shoot at it first. Some strange rule that if you use your old sh*t for target practice, you dont need to take it with you when youre done. Fricking mind numbing.