Not sure it will work out as you're thinking as you may eek out a bit more ft/lbs from something shooting a bigger fatter slug but that slug may fall on it's face 150 yards out the end of the barrel? So one has to make their list of parameters important to them before starting to find what's most efficient to them and it's a dynamic list available. Some of the options could be...
Max Distance Potential
Max Size Game
Minimum Sectional Density
Minimum Impact Velocity
Minimum Impact Energy
Minimum Bullet Diameter
Minimum Bullet Weight
Recoil Energy
Barrel Life
Time of Flight
Wind Drift
Factory Availability
MPBR (max point blank range)
I don't choose all of the above parameters and have maybe missed listing some but I do choose a good many of them. I always start with the bullets, then apply the range potential I want, then I can figure out the head stamp that will drive said bullet out to max distance and minimum fps impact thresholds without any extra fat.
The easier button to find the most versatile from that list above currently would to just look at the 21st century 6.5's with bullets in the 123-156 range as they run the highest SD's & BC's and extract the most from the powder burned in terms of terminal performance/distances, game it can take, recoil, barrel life, wind drift, time of flight, factory availability etc. They just do more of the above for the powder burned than the 20th century cartridges and very early 21st century (wsm) etc. Examples below...
The 6.5 Grendel with a 123 will give you the most from ~30 grains of powder, the 6.5 Creedmoor will give you the most of ~41 grains of powder and and 6.5 PRC ~59 grains. Each option giving you approx. ~200 yards further potential with both the CM & PRC giving higher SD & heavier bullets that fight wind better also but better for more 3rd class game.
6.5G 123gr at 95% factory rated velocity - 1800 fps lands at 450 yards, recoil energy in 8.5 lb rifle at 6.8 ft/lbs. SD .252, BC .506, barrel life is that of a .22lr
6.5CM 143 as above at 1800 fps lands at 650 yards, recoil 11.3 ft/lbs, SD .293, BC .625, barrel life - longer than anything but the Grendel.
6.5PRC 143 as above at 1800 fps lands at 825 yards, recoil at 17.9 ft/lbs, SD .293, BC .625, barrel life - as good as anything that will kill big game at 850 yards.
Niche ends; the PRC makes you eat a more manly 17.9 ft/lbs recoil energy so give up on the shootability for the smaller shooters and some barrel life. The Grendel gives up some SD/BC so just gets into the 3rd glass game bullet size and more suited to bulk of game being 2nd class but it's wins are unlimited barrel life and shootability for anyone with single digit ft/lbs recoil energy. It still does well inside 500 yards which will work for most.
The 6.5 CM however has no weak areas, it captures the majority of the categories the most equally, I can't think of anything that will touch it for near 41 grains of powder burned.
Anyway, hope that's a contribution to the topic. It's a dynamic one.