Another +1 for the cross bars! Great looking tent! Are there any videos of it pitched in a sustained windstorm? Thanks for the opportunity for the giveaway!
Above is very true. The best what is always going to be most helpful, is to find something that gets you sweating, and moving "consistently" every week. Best of luck!
I copied the Stryker primarily because I really liked the design. It fits my style of day hunting and even quick 1-2 backpacking trips.
Woodbow is absolutely correct, the designing process is the most difficult.
Maybe Kifaru can help you?
I stiffened my tactical frame with an old arrow.
I cut a carbon arrow to length, then sewed 500d cordura around the arrow. I used a speedy stitcher awl with nylon thread to sew it onto the frame. Good luck!
I hunted x9c last year and glassed up well over a dozen legal bucks during the season. I was able to get to 62 yards, but didn’t feel comfortable in the moment to send an arrow. I invested more than 7 days scouting. Definitely a difficult unit! The roads weren’t to bad. I was finding bucks...