Lite Outdoors stove

I’ve used it. I just sold it. It is very difficult to setup. I struggled in the field even after a trial run at home. I also have a seek u turn. It’s better but doesn’t come close to the Winnerwell Ti stove. Ease of setup is worth a little extra weight. It also burns quite a bit longer than the lite outdoors and the seek outside. Good luck 🍀
They're a pain to set up. Especially since your hands are always cold when you need it. I'd trade a few ounces to have a folding one that was easier to set up! It has caused me to leave it behind for one-nighters just because the pain it is to put together.
I picked up this one - much like a Winnerwell but with a glass door. Weight seems as advertised (just under 4.5lbs all packed together in the storage cases. Can't complain, but have zero experience with other tent stoves as this was my first delve into one of these. Time will tell with the glass door, but I like the idea of being able to see the flames more so than threw the damper slots.
I like the weight of those liteoutdoor stoves, but they look like a pain and can only imagine my cold, banana hands attempting to put that together in the dark in the woods... just fold the sides and roll the pipe.



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Good review of the Danchel stove on Youtube! Made me want to buy one. It won't let me put the link in here but it was reviewed really well on the channel PNW Outside.
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At first I was ready to sell mine or throw it in the garbage. Practiced putting it together multiple times at home over several days and it's not bad and fairly quick to set up. Practice and figuring out the process really helped. It works well and is light....and HOT! 😁
I love mine, although I do agree with others that the setup process with cold hands can suck. Otherwise you will not find a lighter stove to take with you.

I've used mine in the rocky mountains and found it held up extremely well.
I have the lite outdoors Xl stove and I like how big the door opening is you can fit a lot of wood in it and it gets hot fast. The downside is how hard it is to put together after it’s been used, take about 20 mins to figure out how to alight the rolled sheet metal to the caps. And the sheet metal is very sharp. I would not buy again, also after a few uses the the body is very dented.
I picked up one of these from Amazon... can't complain. Likely not as light as the foil stoves, but seemingly comparable to winnerwell at a more reasonable cost. Didn't need full length stove pipe, so chopped a ft off to make a baffle for it as well. Mine only has the front window and is right around 4lbs if I recall. I get that the glass is a potential concern, but so far I've liked watching the fires the few times I've used it thusfar.
