I am just west of you and deer habitat nut.
First and foremost is security/safety. Especially with 20ac. You need screening, whether an annual plant, perennial grasses or going the tree route. Access should be along property lines and do not undervalue where you park and how you loudly you...
Headed to CO at the end of September taking my FL merino base layers and uncompadre pants and hoodie. Does anyone have a puffy set of any kind/color they'd like to sell?
I hunt all over including in wNY and southern OH.
The only disagreement is that there isnt much for public in Ohio. Thats not true. What is true is whether you see hunters or not, things have really regressed quality wise. SE OH had an ass kicker of an EHD outbreak in 22. Tying that in with...
I just paid as much for a non guide Iowa zone 5 hunt access as a guided one would cost. Why? Its not just Im not a fan of guides....but they run a business and that often has deceit. Just me and my pride though.
Definitely some good places and techniques stated. There are some places and times everything is loaded with people but finding big deer in ohio is more about the deer, than where other hunters are, compared to other states/public IMO
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Looking for oaks on southern ohio public is as hard as finding your fingers. Learn topography and know that’s the key in the end. They roam big
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I went to a smokeless inline- have upgraded a couple times. Have similar limitations in states I hunt (inc ohio) but IF I take a gun, that in-line is it and my safe has a lot of nice rifles… most of which are near new.
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It’s always easier to point a finger than find a solution. The public guys that whine private has it so good haven’t driven themselves to find/pay for it and the private guys who compare swords expect too much of their financial/sweat engagement and someone who doesn’t hates their state should...
Zoom out on an aerial of your ground so it takes up 10-20% of the total area observed. Trend what it is around you (timber, cover, ag, etc). Make your 30 have as much edge as possible, whether subtle or dramatic….
The biggest improvement a fella can make to deer ground is stealth access and...
Breeds matter and dictate how to train. Join a local club, gets John Js books and come to realize it will hunting or a tracking dog… cause you can’t have both.
It all depends where in N America, the pressure, the total number of deer and at times the moon position. This isn’t a single answer is right based on area, the specifics and the year. Can be great and can be bust. Study the deer all the time and they’ll show you, internet scholars speak their...
The best advice you’ll ever get and it’s not meant to be rude-
Get out there and find out.
Others do not have your situation to operate in and will only screw up a beautiful fresh learning curve.
I’ve got a bunch of the calibers listed and a 257 wby, the 7s and 30s shared but my (smokeless) 45 ML is it. DRT from 5 to 400. Can ring steel at 650 but 400 from a bench rest is all I’m considering for deer shots.
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While I have nothing but the sincerest of support for environmental improvements- this lead consumption for hunters is grossly blown out of proportion. We need to be careful as a group because it would be easy to sway a crowd who loves kids and condors that all bullets need to be free of lead...