Search results

  1. W

    Going to Iowa

    I'll be in Zone 5 in November - Hopefully the weather works in my favor
  2. W

    hanging up the badge and gun after 36 years

    Thanks for your service. Hopefully you get to enjoy a long and awarding retirement. So many don't...
  3. W

    Trail Cams and T-Mobile

    Does anyone know what cell cams work with T-Mobile cell service? I thought I read that T-Mobile will work with AT&T cams but I'm not sure. You only ever see AT&T or Verizon. You don't see T-Mobile or US Cellular specific cams. I did find Spypoint specifies T-Mobile. Just looking for some...
  4. W

    First elk hunt - last hour bull

    Awesome - Congrats on the bull and staying at it!
  5. W

    Maine Moose Lottery Success

    The hunt was tough for sure. The weather was very warm (seems to be a trend anymore). Mid 70's with a high of 78 Wednesday I believe. Shouldn't be covered in mosquitos in Mid Oct in Maine but we were. As for my wife and I we came home empty handed. Never fired a shot. Monday we had bulls...
  6. W

    What do you do for rain gear

    My Rivers West Gear has never failed me
  7. W

    Maine Moose Lottery Success

    Well... less then 1 week for the hunt. Guns are dialed in and feel we are ready to go. Looks like season one up there had a good success rate. Weather looks to be warm with highs in the 60's but I guess that's better then 70's or 80's. Hopefully we can get our eyes on some bulls and connect...
  8. W

    Maine Moose Lottery Success

    Blackwater Outfitters is who we went with
  9. W

    Maine Moose Lottery Success

    The last week or so has been busy with trying to determine a good fit (guide). All I ever heard was once a person was drawn your mailbox would be flooded with brochures, etc. I think I received a total of 5. I found more researching myself and making phone calls. Just an FYI. I now wish I...
  10. W

    Maine Moose Lottery Success

    Sorry - Been extremely busy. To answer a question above I had 100pts. When this started I always said I would never buy more then 6 chances and I never did. As the years went by I figured It was a yearly donation.
  11. W

    Maine Moose Lottery Success

    After 20 years of looking at draw results and not seeing your name THE miracle happened! This has always been my wife's dream from the beginning. The permit is in my name and she as the sub-permittee. So we are in the early process of putting something together. We drew Oct 1 (antlered)...
  12. W

    Maine Moose draw tomorrow

    After 20 years - My wife was successful in this draw! I truly never thought this would happen. Now the work of putting something together.
  13. W

    Which scopes would you mount?

    I'll second the Zeiss on the Kimber! Got a Conquest on my Kimber .300wsm and it has done the job quite a few times. Love hunting out west with that combo
  14. W

    Flying vs driving

    Live on the east! - Been out west 17 times now (Colorado, New Mexico, and Iowa) Have driven every time and always straight through. Not bad when can split driving by 3. But if traveling solo or just one other those 30+ hour drives will wear you down!!!! Takes a day just to feel semi-normal...
  15. W

    My Halloween Buck

    Great job! Nice write up and description. Congrats
  16. W

    Western NY to Colorado Springs- which route to choose

    You should consider lake effect snow as well up there around Chicago/Lake Erie - Been caught up there more then once
  17. W

    Refurbished trail cams????

    I have purchased refurbished cams in the past (Not Stealthcams) and have zero complaints
  18. W

    Blanked Again in Maine Moose Lottery

    Been applying since 2000 -I agree it will never happen. Just a yearly donation
  19. W

    Things I Learned on my first elk hunt

    Powerbelts have earned a bad reputation with bullet performance. Countless stories of no blood trail and lost game!