Maine Moose Lottery Success

How'd it go? Toughest bull hunt on record from what I can see based on success (~44% in a zone that goes 85+% more than not) We went 2 for 2 in our camp. I think a lot of DIYers went home empty handed, but the good outfitters did well. I saw a guide on a major road in the NMW on Tuesday and he said they hadn't seen a moose yet. They weren't responding to calls in my area, but they were about 30 miles up. I caught one between swamps/ponds and my buddy got his going into their bedroom/kitchen (small piece of land between 2 massive cuts).
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How'd it go? Toughest bull hunt on record from what I can see based on success (~44% in a zone that goes 85+% more than not) We went 2 for 2 in our camp. I checked with a well known guide in the area and they didn't fill their camp's tags until Saturday, but did go 5 for 5. I think a lot of DIYers went home empty handed, but the good outfitters did well. I saw a guide on a major road in the NMW on Tuesday and he said they hadn't seen a moose yet. They weren't responding to calls in my area, but they were about 30 miles up. I caught one between swamps/ponds and my buddy got his going into their bedroom/kitchen (small piece of land between 2 massive cuts).
What zone were you in? I've been hearing that it has been tough as well but looks like a bunch of bulls have been taken. Heading up to Zone 4 on Sunday - DIY for a cow. Sounds like there is a good cow:bull ratio in 4 this year from the reports.
Zone 1. You’ll be fine finding a cow in 4.

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Thanks. Saw a lot of nice bulls taken out of Zone 1 but like you , heard it was tough and they were not getting pulled in from calling. Well done, congrats!
The hunt was tough for sure. The weather was very warm (seems to be a trend anymore). Mid 70's with a high of 78 Wednesday I believe. Shouldn't be covered in mosquitos in Mid Oct in Maine but we were. As for my wife and I we came home empty handed. Never fired a shot. Monday we had bulls close but they never presented themselves and they came in without making any sound. After Tuesday calling got zero results. I believe starting Wednesday most hunters / guides resorted to just driving around until they saw one. We wanted to have more of a hunting experience so we elected not to do so much of that. Monday am we could hear a bull walking and it's paddles hitting trees but we never did see it. Monday PM we had a bull come in but it was dark. When we got up to leave I caught a flash of horn when it turned but never did see the body due to darkness. Wednesday am we saw a bull for a split second but it never presented a shot. After that a few cows for the week.
We met some nice people and saw some pretty country that we never seen before. But I'd be lying if I said we weren't disappointed. I felt for sure that with the first season success rate that we would get a chance. I wasn't s for a lack of trying. We just weren't rewarded for the effort. So after 20 years of applying and hoping the quest continues. Maybe another day will come...
Wow. What a tough hunt. As they say, it's called "hunting" and not "killing". Good for you for staying after it.
I think the biggest sign is that the success rate was in the 45% range the second week. Until this past week, I don't believe there was ever a success rate under 60%. The riding the roads was a hail mary and I say that because most people can't figure out how to get a full moose out of the woods. Maine's culture (and laws following the culture) have always been a "drag it and tag it, whole." I had several people asking me how I would drag a moose from where I was hunting. They thought I was crazy when I said I would pack it out.
Now between two scenarios, someone who could back a truck to their moose and me, who got theirs out of the woods faster? Me. Same group of people helping, different approach. Hopefully people will start realizing bringing a chest freezer and generator into the woods is a lot harder than a couple of coolers and some sharp knives.
And I am not saying I am a better hunter than anyone - I am terrible. After the shot, however, I will cut with the best of them.
And I am not saying I am a better hunter than anyone - I am terrible. After the shot, however, I will cut with the best of them.
This is what we plan on doing next week. Getting off the roads, hunting a bit deeper in the woods/cuts and quartering it up for the haul out.
The hunt was tough for sure. The weather was very warm (seems to be a trend anymore). Mid 70's with a high of 78 Wednesday I believe. Shouldn't be covered in mosquitos in Mid Oct in Maine but we were. As for my wife and I we came home empty handed. Never fired a shot. Monday we had bulls close but they never presented themselves and they came in without making any sound. After Tuesday calling got zero results. I believe starting Wednesday most hunters / guides resorted to just driving around until they saw one. We wanted to have more of a hunting experience so we elected not to do so much of that. Monday am we could hear a bull walking and it's paddles hitting trees but we never did see it. Monday PM we had a bull come in but it was dark. When we got up to leave I caught a flash of horn when it turned but never did see the body due to darkness. Wednesday am we saw a bull for a split second but it never presented a shot. After that a few cows for the week.
We met some nice people and saw some pretty country that we never seen before. But I'd be lying if I said we weren't disappointed. I felt for sure that with the first season success rate that we would get a chance. I wasn't s for a lack of trying. We just weren't rewarded for the effort. So after 20 years of applying and hoping the quest continues. Maybe another day will come...
That is a rough one for sure but glad you still came away with a great experience and met good people. Good luck getting another crack at it.