Maine Moose Lottery Success

May 26, 2017
After 20 years of looking at draw results and not seeing your name THE miracle happened! This has always been my wife's dream from the beginning. The permit is in my name and she as the sub-permittee. So we are in the early process of putting something together. We drew Oct 1 (antlered) which will be the hunting dates of Oct 11-16th and we are Zone 6. I'm thinking that this a great area for moose and the odds of seeing one should be in our favor. Not sure of what the behavior of the moose will be at that time in regards to rut? I'm looking for any knowledge, advice, etc that could help us put this trip together. Most likely going to go through a guide so any recommendations for one up in that area would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance if anyone willing to assist!!!!!
Congrats on drawing the tag!!! You will be receiving lots of brochures from outfitters in the next 2 weeks. I have never hunted Zone 6. The moose will still be in the rut and bulls will be responsive to calling then.
Heck yeah! Jealous. I struck out. Keep us posted on how you do. Hoping to draw a tag in Maine one of these decades…
Congrats on the tag, how many points did you have, if you don’t mind me asking?
I don't know if he guides Unit 6, but Hal Blood @ Big Woods Bucks is solid. Spent a weekend with him this spring doing one of his deer clinics. Also strikes me as the type who would connect you with someone else if he doesn't guide there.

I don't know if he guides Unit 6, but Hal Blood @ Big Woods Bucks is solid. Spent a weekend with him this spring doing one of his deer clinics. Also strikes me as the type who would connect you with someone else if he doesn't guide there.

He’s got a cool podcast with some moose info and also some videos on YouTube. Seems like a great guy
Sorry - Been extremely busy. To answer a question above I had 100pts. When this started I always said I would never buy more then 6 chances and I never did. As the years went by I figured It was a yearly donation.
The last week or so has been busy with trying to determine a good fit (guide). All I ever heard was once a person was drawn your mailbox would be flooded with brochures, etc. I think I received a total of 5. I found more researching myself and making phone calls. Just an FYI. I now wish I would have taken some time earlier and having 1 or 2 outfitters in my pocket for when success came. Again, just came to the conclusion it never would. I started researching and making calls the Monday after the draw (So 2 days). I found all the ones I spoke with were kind and helpful on the phone. There was a handful that were already booked full and taking no more hunters. I had one that seemed over anxious and was relentless on getting my business which scared me away. However, this part of the process is hopefully over and we made a good choice. Just waiting on confirmation on receipt of my 50% deposit.

One of the determining factors for us in selecting the right guide was location. I felt it important that the guide/base camp was located in Zone 6. The mrs made it known that an additional 45min - 1hr each way each day in a truck was something she wasn't interested in. WIFI is required due to work - we will need to be able to do some work remotely. Unfortunate but reality!! Other factors being testimonials, references, history, reputation, and comfort level during our conversations.

Will keep this going as we get closer...
Congrats! A maine moose hunt is a really great experience.. I only have been applying for over 20 years with no dice- but my dad drew in 1999.
@walnuttree Congrats on your moose tag! I guide with Oxbow Outfitters and have a guided hunt that same week in zone 6. Just curious who you ended up hiring as a guide, there is a chance I know your guide and that we will run into each other that week!
Well... less then 1 week for the hunt. Guns are dialed in and feel we are ready to go. Looks like season one up there had a good success rate. Weather looks to be warm with highs in the 60's but I guess that's better then 70's or 80's. Hopefully we can get our eyes on some bulls and connect with one. Time will tell...