If guys need help verifying anyone, hit me up. I can pull phone numbers, names etc. and tell you immediately if they're legit.
Criminal record and places of residence will also show, good way to make sure the guy is who he says he is. I do this on darn near every transaction on here. Perks of...
Almost all those things already exist out West.
In Whitefish, MT we've got STR exclusion zones, an extra resort tax, deed restricted housing in entire subdivisions...you name it...still isn't enough.
It ultimately comes down to simple supply/demand. We need more units...and they gotta go...
People are moving out West at a much higher clip than to Midwest and Eastern cities.
The most popular cities in the intermountain West are surrounded by public land.
That's my point. That's where this issue will actually be implemented.
I really do think the knee jerk reactions from both...
I don't understand what you're talking about. Those are literally the numbers and targets that go into every single pro forma. Haven't been laughed out of a room yet...aside from internet threads where anonymous strangers claim to know more than people who do this for a living.
Claiming the...
Your ad hominem (and inaccurate) attacks don't do a lot to help me see your perspective. What could a guy who works on these issues full time possibly know about it, eh?
How does increasing inventory in places people don't want to live help the shortage? Housing is needed where people are...
Tell you what. Next time we have a big project in the Flathead, I'll invite you to the public hearing and you can let me know what you think of upzoning (densifying). Last time it was 5 hours of NIMBY opposition. A project with deed restrictions, green space, rental restrictions, etc. Shot down...
This issue is going to be fought out West. That's where the most severe shortages of housing are, the most BLM (least marketable land) is, and fastest growth rates are.
Revitalizing the 'hood has absolutely ZERO relevance to this conversation. People don't want to live there, the massive...
Conversely, everyone who is against this a) thinks every piece of public land is a mecca of indescribable biodiversity and value b) apparently doesn't understand that we need more housing, dramatically more.
Honest question, have you found yourself complaining about housing prices in the last 5...
The mental gymnastics you're willing to play and drawing conclusions from what I've stated as objective facts are strange.
Here, let's do this.
On my teams we have a rule that no complaining is allowed without offering a solution. What do YOU propose as a sustainable fix to the nation's...
Man...that gun is "the one that got away" for me.
Back when they were first discontinued, Whittakers was clearing them out and had 3 .25-06s for $1,100 each...I for some reason didn't snap one up, and still think about it often, the only missed gun deal that haunts me haha
If you can find a...
Sadly the government is so hated these days (rightfully so), that people forget a true reciprocal, mutually beneficial relationship used to be standard operating procedure for development and city planning.
Now, it's a pissing contest between desk jockeys at the city/county/state and the guys...
When developers are given land at a discount by municipalities, they are typically limited to deed restricted lots in some fashion. Homes may only be sold for x, to buyers who make less than x, cannot be used as rentals, etc. I've never heard of discounted/subsidized land that wasn't tied up in...
I don't disagree.
Fact is that the country has a massive housing shortage, estimated at 4-5M homes, much of that in the West.
Every house in the country is built on top of what used to be habitat for critters.
There absolutely is a right way to develop housing...and until I see this proposed...
You're spot on. No one is building a subdivision in the Bob Marshall or Frank Church.
There are parcels of next to useless BLM land all over the intermountain West that 100% make sense to build housing on.
I get a kick out of all the guys upset about this...but they're the first ones to...
Every bear I've killed has been sub 300 yards and I hunt pretty big country.
Pick your favorite rifle and go hunt, each of those 3 options is more than enough for any black bear.
Last year I carried my .243 90% of the time as a reference.
Your post is the kind I'm talking about. Your n=1 experience was favorable. You value penetration and weight retention, and apparently deem those attributes important to killing, even on a relatively small animal. That's fine. If you shot 100 goat/sheep/deer/antelope sized game animals with...