Search results

  1. U

    Colorado 751 3rd Rifle Season

    I just came from there. I would agree saw a lot of deer along 160 on private ground, very few and no bucks on public ground in the beaver meadows area. if you don't have private ground I would suggest the san juan area east of bayfield and south of 160.....its some steep stuff but saw a lot of...
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    Colorado units 75/751- help me decide! please.....

    We are due to head out the 10th and will arrive 5 days before season opens. Planning to stay mobile and look around the first 3-4 days before deciding on a specific area. The jury is still out but I believe we have written off the Rio Grande reservoir route. I decided my boys wouldn't be able...
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    First Colorado Buck

    Awesome buck!
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    2 week trip and trail cams?

    I am wondering how many folks use trail cams for scouting when they go on 2 week hunting trips? We are heading out for 2 weeks in October and I have considered taking the trail cams and using them for a scouting aids. Although I'd like hear if guys have found this to be more of a hassle than a...
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    north-facing slopes

    north/east slopes usually have the dark timber....that's where you can expect them to bed during daytime hours......south slopes are good feeding zones. take your pick.
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    Colorado hunt cut short

    I told my 16 yr old sons I had no issue leaving them at the truck for 2 weeks if they pussed out....we are heading out for their first big game hunt in Oct. I had a bad experience hunting with a group of guys during archery one year.....selecting people to go out west with is not something to...
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    1st hunt, going to GMU 44

    I am always of the train of thought that if you help someone out without an expectation of return you will get that back 10 fold. For that reason I'm always up to help someone out with information if I have it. I got on this forum asking about information on specific locations that I had...
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    What do you guys do for food?

    just add water I do pretty much anything that is just add water if Im backpacking. Ramen noodles with instant potatoes is a favorite go to. But all meals that can be made with just hot water are subject to being on the menu. I insist on trying everything before I put it on the camp list. I will...
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    Alarm to wake up

    I just carried a small double A powered alarm clock. Worked fine for about 5 bucks.
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    How far will scent travel?

    depends Read a book on training dogs to track wounded deer.....was an amazing insight into how scent works. Scenting has a lot to do with conditions....especially moisture content in the air. On some days 100 yards they won't scent you on others a mile away they probably could.
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    smokes or chew

    depends on what weapon Im packing. I will take smokes and chew both. if bow hunting I smoke very little in the field....with rifle im not as concerned but try not to smoke to much.....and definitely not during prime hours. Colorado will be an interesting hunt this year.
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    Fitness for altitude change comparison

    My primary concern with conditioning is not getting muscle soreness/stiffness in day 2-3 of the hunt. I will cycle 4 or 5 miles plus do some calisthenics a few times a week throughout the summer...then as the hunt draws closer, will hike a few times 4 miles or so with a loaded pack. That's...
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    What am I getting into?

    if you can't get away with simply distance then focus on steep nasty terrain. There are spots right next to roads that people won't hunt.
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    Colorado Unit 67. Bears?

    if you plan to be anywhere near sawtooth mountain I could offer some advice.
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    how close will you camp to where you expect the elk? above or below them?

    If you spot some elk back off the road and need to setup a spike camp to be where they are at first light how far do you setup your camp from where you expect them to be? and do you try to camp above or below them? Once I setup on the other side of the mountain from the spot I wanted to be in...
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    Whats your packout process after the harvest?

    It sounds like we were doing it all wrong on the only 2 elk I ever packed out. We gutted, then nearly skinned the entire animal before we started cutting off quarters.....the body was in 5 quarters and then the head and antlers were 6 quarters all together. We didn't put the quarters in...
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    3 extra days scouting b4 seasons or 1 day of hunting at the end?....WWUD?

    Would you rather have 3 extra days of scouting before the season opens or only have 1 day of scouting and be able to hunt the last day of season? I'm trying to plan the exact dates for this falls hunt. Going into an area that I have never hunted before. I was planning a Tuesday departure which...
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    At what point in the year do you quit using calls?

    Is there any value in bugling during the rifle seasons? How about cow calls? Is there a difference in when you stop using the cow call and the bugle?
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    Whats your packout process after the harvest?

    What your process from the moment you have your animal on the ground to when its time to take it home? Do you debone in the field? Hang your quarters? Leave the hide on? For the non-resident hunters do you use a processor? If not how do you transport your meat on the long journey home? The...
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    Tents above 8000' October/November Colorado

    Not the end of the world.... just the end of comfort. I stayed at 10k for 2 weeks and it got down to 18 at night. A good bag and staying dry are key. But not being able to dry boots and socks on a stove did suck. Boots were ice chunks come am. Sleep with your long johns, socks and first layer in...