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    WTS Seek Outside Courthouse

    still got it ?
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    Magview promo code?

    magview is a pile of crap.
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    First time to the Frank Church Wilderness

    It will be hot, well at least the last 4 Septembers and even October it’s been hot back in there. Prepare to go days without seeing any wildlife as the game in there is very sparse, bring a fly rod as the fishing is really good in the river/ creeks, spike out as high as you can, get a wolf tag...
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    Central Idaho Grizzly reintroduction

    I found this news article to be very interesting about the possibility of reintroducing grizzlies to central Idaho.
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    Which Truck Canopy Is Your Favorite?

    I bought a leer last year and the quality is absolute trash, look up close and its really bad (windrow trim, window seals, hinges, carpet liner, screens,) the only nice thing was the paint matched. My buddy got an ARE and it was the same quality. if i were to do it again id get a Smart cap.
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    Kodiak canvas lodge tent

    i have this same tent the 12x12 got it 4 years ago and also got the awning. I love it and it has worked great no issues at all. The only down side is it take a while to setup because of all the stakes. and the awning is a bit of a challenge to setup.
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    Will a spooked buck return? And when?

    He will be back, they wont leave and split the bachelor groups until oct.
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    Guess the score?

    Thanks for your input guys.
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    Guess the score?

    i guees i thought it may be higher due how thick his antlers are.
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    Guess the score?

    Ran into a guy last fall who shot this good looking buck on the left, what do you think this would score?
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    Cylinder stove embers putting holes in my Alaknak

    I had that same issue with my alaknak, I had so many holes it couldn’t be repaired, then a big windstorm came and it rip at the center pole, so I got the kodiak 12x12 and really like that one.
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    Lite Outdoors stove

    I have the lite outdoors Xl stove and I like how big the door opening is you can fit a lot of wood in it and it gets hot fast. The downside is how hard it is to put together after it’s been used, take about 20 mins to figure out how to alight the rolled sheet metal to the caps. And the sheet...
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    Idaho Deer/Elk Controlled Results

    How is it a losing game, it seems like the longer you put in the better odds you have.
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    Idaho Deer/Elk Controlled Results

    Nothing again! I wish Idaho did points!
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    Spotting scope help

    I have the kowa 663 66mm and a 20x60 zoom, it’s super lightweight, I recommend it. It’s not high end glass but it looks good when I look through it.
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    Unit 1 priest lake spring bear hunt

    Me and a buddy went to the east side of priest lake (east of the state park) and spring bear hunted for 5 days, and didn’t see a single black bear, but we did have a run in with a grizzly at 15 yards on an old gated logging road. Glass tons of clear cuts and walked down many old logging roads...
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    An unexpectedly good podcast

    I listened to it and at the beginning I was stunned, as the podcast went on became skeptical. Hard to believe, especially after a few google searches...
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    Cabelas Alaknak tent discontinued.....

    I had one for one season and it was a POS, it ripped in like 6 places, pain to setup and would hold cons of condensation. I would not recommend getting one.
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    Idaho Mule deer

    Went to 20a 2 years ago in end of October near chamberlain. Hunted around for 7 days didn’t see a single animal the whole time, not even a doe or a coyote, best of luck to you!
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    Carbon six and AG composite back country rifle build

    Yup that’s what I did, and they will only fit in non trued actions. And all you do is just screw it in and torque. I assume carbon size holds thier barrel shoulder length and recoil lug extremely tight I prefer to fut the head space requirement of the rem 700