Search results

  1. H

    6.5 Creedmoor/260 for Deer, Elk, and whatever else.....

    143 grain ELDX or 139 grain Scenar, because that is what I use in my 6.5 Creed and 260 rem, respectively.
  2. H

    Dropping Off Fired Case with Smith?

    Yeah, dropping off the case itself doesn’t really do much other than give him a basic measurement to set your new barrel’s headspace. However each piece of different brass is going to have slightly different springback, so they all might not be the same. That being said, giving them a dummy...
  3. H

    Noodle Barrel 6UM

    Should have spiral fluted it too! I like the profile. May have to go that route for my 6.5 SAUM Improved build. Why not 6UM, you ask? Well, because I don’t own any Crocs and have no inclination to buy any.
  4. H

    Kill pictures from cartridges above 6.5 Creed???

    I guess I should revive all of the dead pigs I have left laying around TX, GA, and SC that I killed with my 223 and tell them they shouldn’t be dead because contrary to them actually being dead, the bullet should not have penetrated their shoulders. And yes, before you ask, quite a few of them...
  5. H

    Kill pictures from cartridges above 6.5 Creed???

    First of all, those of us who know what we are doing won’t be using 80 grain bullets out of our 6mm caliber rifles. With a 108, 109, or 115 grain bullet, I wouldn’t hesitate to take the same shot and would expect, and get, the same result. Do you think there is something magical about elk...
  6. H

    Worst part of reloading?

    I don’t mind most of the brass prep steps, but I hate trimming. Could be why more than half of my rifles are chambered for “improved” cartridges.
  7. H

    is vortex 3-18 inferior in 2025? just a discussion.

    The main difference between the Strike Eagle and the Venom is in the coatings and the guts. The Strike Eagle is going to be a bit better, although with Vortex, that is a pretty relative term. Considering both of these are lesser models than even the Viper, I would probably steer clear. The...
  8. H

    Tikka Rebate

    No drama with mine either. About a month to turn it around.
  9. H

    Preferred Barrels Carbon Thoughts?

    I am pretty sure it was Carbon6 that got the Browning contract, not PBB
  10. H

    Winter Doldrums - Time for another Tikka Project???

    Yeah, my 338 Mega shooting 225s at 2900 has some snap. I shoot everything suppressed, but shot spotting is a bit difficult with it. I love shooting the “soft” guns, but I can shoot the big boys pretty well. Whenever I start getting razzed by the old timers at the range, I pull out my 375JDJ...
  11. H

    Primers Seating Very Hard All of A Sudden

    Do you have a primer pocket uniforming tool? If not, get one. It will ensure that your pockets are in spec. Not sure exactly why you are having issues. Are the primers from the same lot? It could be very slight peening of the mouth of the pocket during wet tumbling.
  12. H

    Choosing powder...

    I am pretty sure that 100% case fill equates to the powder coming right up to the shoulder neck junction. Drop tubes help considerably to eliminate the need for tapping as well. Just an FYI.
  13. H

    Winter Doldrums - Time for another Tikka Project???

    I have 2.5 projects going right now. First is a 22 Creed build for my best friend. Moving him away from fudd guns and into the beautiful world of low recoil and always hitting where you are aiming. Second is finishing up my 6.5-06AI. Fire forming is done. Just need to shorten the trigger...
  14. H

    Lead ingestion health risks

    I have.
  15. H

    The 22 creedmoor thread

    I have 2 McGowans. One is a 260 REM Remage barrel. Shoots great with 139 Scenars. The other is a 6.5-06AI Tikka prefit I bought used off of the classifieds. Have only shot fire forming loads in it so far, but went 30 for 30 on a 4” gong at 300 after using the first 20 to zero the scope.
  16. H

    3 Calibers To Do Everything

    I will do it all with 2 calibers .22 and .284
  17. H

    6.5 Creedmoor or 7mm-08 for 600 yards an in?

    I am an unabashed 7-08 fanboi, so that is my recommendation. However the 6.5, 6 or 22 Creed would all be great options.
  18. H

    Dead Air Nomad-30 User Experience

    Pretty well. I have never shot it with a brake, but I did have to shoot that rifle without the can when hunting in Canada. I could definitely tell the difference. If I had to equate it to something, it is like shooting my short 308 Encore with 150 grain bullets.
  19. H

    Lead ingestion health risks

    Did you actually read those studies, or are you still relying on what the “retrospective study” said? What was the population that they sampled? What was their rate of ingestion of game animals (including birds) per week (or day or month). What were the various occupations of the participants...
  20. H

    Barrel nut vs shouldered - What say you?

    I have both, although no nuts on my Tikkas. Something else to consider on a Tikkage, Remage, or Howage is that you will have to open up the stock to fit the nut.