is vortex 3-18 inferior in 2025? just a discussion.

Dec 6, 2023
Really like the new Viper 2-10. whatever tech they put in it works well in low light. Im wanting something with a bigger aperture, more zoom, and FFP, for my 300 winmag. I thought about the new viper 3-15, but it doesn't come in FFP. They do have the venom FFP, but I think that's a step down from the Vipers (just guessing based on price and model name?) but the street price on the 2-10 is cheaper than the venom so idk, maybe ffp just cost that much more and its still the newer glass???

.I really dont want to splurge on an razor. on thing about the razor though, regardless of glass tech, you cant argue with the larger aperture. 56mm lets in ALOT of light. really want to stay in the 3x range on bottom zoom though if I can. id really rather have 2, so 4 -4.5 is off the table for me personally. that eliminates the razors anyway as they dont have a ffp 3x.

that leaves the strike eagle 3-18. What I don't want to do is buy it (for 1000 bucks) and then something way better come out in 2 months, which seems like a real possibility based on the number of comments i see bemoaning the lack of a 3-15 ffp. so is the glass in the 3-18 that much worse than the newer HDs that it takes it out of the buy once cry once bracket?

so once again, we;re back to the 3-18 strike eagle. that $1100 price tag jus doesnt feel like it fits the product to me. compared to the venon 3-15 ffp at 649, and both have 44mm primary. Whats driving the price on the 3-18 if its inferior to the new vipers? the venom is the newer scope, so I assume better glass? maybe not maybe the same glass.

i know ...this is probably splitting hairs. I wish they would just give us some sort of raw data other than dimensional specs. it just seems like vortex;s pricing is all over the place and not really based on the tech or quality behind the optics. fwiw, i paid under 500 for the new 2-10, (non ffp)

you know when you buy camera lenses they tell you the coatings, and the tech in the lens not just the sizes and the pricing really makes sense across the board ( i do alot of photography)
You get what you pay for in this business. I would stay away from low end Vortex (or any other low end scope).
I agree with no buying low end anything. Thats really my question. Based on the price of the strike eagle, I wouldnt assume its "low end". Just like I wouldnt say viper is "low end" in the range of their products, Id say they are upper mid tier. Thats why Im asking the question. I dont want to buy the 3-18 if its an inferior overpriced product
Most of the Vortex products were “inferior” the moment they came off the assembly line. If you’ve had good luck with Vortex that’s great, and good luck. Better options out there (for me and from my perspective).
The main difference between the Strike Eagle and the Venom is in the coatings and the guts. The Strike Eagle is going to be a bit better, although with Vortex, that is a pretty relative term.

Considering both of these are lesser models than even the Viper, I would probably steer clear. The street price for a Viper PST FFP 3-15 is going to be around $1000. For that money there are much better options available. When it comes to optics, you really do get what you pay for most of the time.

As for buying something and then having something better come along, just wait until after the Shot Show. That is where the new stuff is released.

Final thought, while a 56mm objective will transmit more light than a 44mm, most eyes aren’t capable of using that extra light, so it is moot.
Others have provided feedback on vortex in general. I have a PST g2 and I would not buy another, it works for my use (casual rimfire prs) but it needs to be rezeroed frequently. Most of the folks I shoot with who have had one have had to send it back for warranty service.

The one piece of legit feedback on your choices is that if 3x low magnification is important to you (and I agree with this), I would reconsider your choices—none of the scopes you mentioned have a useable reticle at lowest magnification, unless you want to rely entirely on the illumination.
There is NO WAY I would pay $1000 for any Vortex scope that is anything but a Gen 3 Razor. And that would be because there are no other options.

If you haven’t had a Vortex fail, you either don’t currently dial a lot and/or baby your optics.

If you use them as intended and regularly, it’s not a matter of if, but when they will fail; and likely at a very inopportune time.

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Vortex’s price increases, especially their MSRP have gone up a ton in recent years where they weren’t the value proposition they were 10 years ago when Viper HS, PST and HST’s could be had for $250-$600 all day long.

The fact that their low tier strike eagle and venom lines now cost more with meh glass, terrible zero retention for the benefit of “features” is bad but representative of the entire optics industry. Remember Vortex is a marketing company that happens to sell optics.

There are a lot better options out there approaching $1,000. You are starting to get into demo Nightforce SHV and Trijicon money. The stripped down hunting Viper line was always the best scope value vortex had and money is quickly wasted beyond that.

I would really push you to try something besides Vortex for optics as a valuable point of comparison. I was heavily in vortex 5-10 years ago and have since moved on almost entirely save for one Razor LH that I really like.

You won’t find a lot of love for Vortex scopes on this forum coming from serious users. That has come from hard won experience not just distaste for their marketing.
I wasn't dragging Vortex with the Steiner suggestion. It's just Steiner actually has what you seem to want, whereas Vortex does not. Another co. that is more similar to Vortex, and closer to what's wanted, is Hawke.
I understand people's love for Vortex, despite this forums' disdain for them (most of which I agree with).

I also used to be big on Vortex but their feature for me was value for cost. Vipers could be had for like, $450. If I was willing to spend around $1k on a scope, I would be looking really really hard at the Nightforce SHV line.

The only Vortex I have left is a cheap crossfire on a .22LR, and it loses zero in the backseat of my truck.