Search results

  1. G

    Portable Wi-Fi

    Starlink is it. Just a lot to carry. I have an older Iridium go and it kinda sucks. Not consistent and that’s just with calls and text. I haven’t even tried internet on.
  2. G

    Best Rangefinding Binoculars?

    Best rangefinder, info or glass doesn’t all seem to come together. I have sig kilo10k and fury 5000hd ab. I like and know AB ballistics and like the rangefinder and screen info of sig, but it’s the gen 1 and a little blue. The Vortex is great for the price. Swaro and Leica I’ve used are super...
  3. G

    Frank Church and Fire

    I was there last week in unit 26. Had several thunderstorms and saw smoke in new areas afterwards. I was closest to Farrow and Coxey Hole fires - I think I saw the Coxey fire start. Most are pretty small. The lack of tress and abundance of grass kept them small but did put up a lot of smoke...
  4. G

    Soft Padded Rifle Case for Suppressor?

    Ended up with the Allen Velocity 55” and it fits my 24” 7prc with the suppressor on and 50mm optic. Went to buy the GA Armageddon bag but the $65 shipping on top was a deal killer.
  5. G


    3 mile ruck 45lbs 3 sets of: 1min plank 50 flutter kick 10 kb bent over rows 53lbs right/left 10 kb swings 53lbs right/left 10 kb thrusters right/left 40lb 20 kb halos 40lb 12 kb upright rows 1min farmer carry w/53lb kbs
  6. G

    Soft Padded Rifle Case for Suppressor?

    Funny I have that one already and like it. Fits my 18” barrel 6.5prc barely with Raptor 6 stack on. My 24” 7prc with 8 stack needs about 5” more length and 2” height.
  7. G

    Soft Padded Rifle Case for Suppressor?

    Trying to determine the difference particularly in size - thanks - you’re getting a LR rifle in there no problem with a suppressor on?
  8. G

    What Happened to Sitka?

    They just over saturated the market with product and retailers. I bought my kid a new camo set up at the Sitka store in Bozeman last Christmas. An hour later in Bob’s I find all the same stuff on sale for $200 less - returned the stuff to the Sitka shop. It used to be hard to find specialty...
  9. G

    Soft Padded Rifle Case for Suppressor?

    Looking for one too. 51” OAL w/can. Issue seems to be height more than length w/50mm scope. Just want a basic soft case - not all the pockets. Armageddon may be it but spendy.
  10. G

    Idaho Poaching Case

    Hopefully the fines result in a windfall for the conservation coffers that can go towards habitat & wildlife protection. Hit him in the wallet if found guilty.
  11. G

    October Yellowstone trip

    It’s a lot of ground to cover. It’ll be great that there are fewer tourists and some of the areas is Yellowstone are set up for such large crowds that I don’t like them (Old Faithful). For the most wildlife, Lamar Valley in the NE. Maybe plan it to head up to the northern part of the park...
  12. G

    PEAX Headlamp

    I have the Peax and Sofrin. Peax may be a tad brighter. One thing the Peax has is you can set it so the light only comes on if you press the button for 4 seconds. This prevents it from coming on in your pack - which the Sofrin has done on me. The Peax does feel like better quality but they’re...
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    Suppressor wait times

    My wait for a can is taking months - ordered in May - still not here to even start the forms
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    Reloading 7PRC

    24” benchmark suppressed
  15. G

    Reloading 7PRC

    175 eldx ADG brass 69gr vv n565 First shot was a cold barrel. Wish I had more shots. But was happy. I want to try H1000
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    Beginner reloading set up A-Z

    So far... my cart is: this stuff seems to be on sale too... Forester CO-AZ Forester Bench Rest Die set Honrady Charge Pro Frankford Arsenal Rotary Tumbler Frankford Arsenal Case prep center open to ANY suggestions or must haves. As of now only reloading rifle ammo.
  17. G

    Beginner reloading set up A-Z

    The more I research I know I want a single stange - now reading / trying to figure out the differences between the more common pressures & dies and “benchrest” quality. Trying to find the middle ground. Will piece together components. Not buy a kit
  18. G

    Beginner reloading set up A-Z

    I’ve saved all my brass over the past few years and have several hundred cases ADG & Hornady in 7prc and Lapua & Hornady brass for 6.5prc. All shot once - most are from factory ammo, the ADG brass is from custom ammo. I want to buy all I need for hand loading and wondering if there is 1 kit...
  19. G

    7 PRC Velocities / FACTORY Ammo

    Federal has avg over 3000fps for my son and I. 24” barrel. And on sale. Much more consistent than Hornady so far and now about the same price
  20. G

    Build me a custom rifle

    lefty here. so i had limited choices