October Yellowstone trip


Mar 2, 2019
Ok folks so I’m looking for some trip planning advice for an upcoming trip to Wyoming the week of October 6th. My 12yo daughter was awarded an elk hunt through a local charity starting Oct 10th and we have decided to fly out 5 days in advance to take in some Yellowstone/teton sights. Thus I am looking for some travel/lodging/activity recommendations for the 5th through 8th, which we will spend mostly in and around Yellowstone NP.

We will be flying in to Rock Springs WY mid day on Saturday the 5th then will likely head north toward Grand Teton np and stay near Jackson on the night of the 5th. On the 6th we plan on taking in sights of the Tetons then heading into Yellowstone for The next few days.

I’m looking for some thoughts on some cool things that you may have done that isn’t part of the mainstream visits. Our daughter has been receiving cancer treatments for the last 2 years so her physical ability is moderate but improving daily. 3-4 hour hikes on moderate terrain wouldn’t be a problem but we will likely ease into these due to elevation.

Many of the hotels in Yellowstone are closed by that point and I am not sure of what to expect in the way of snow that time of year either (I realize there is no predicting that either). Likely be staying around old faithful for a night or two and possibly up to mammoth hot springs for one night

Any helpfu thoughts that you may would be much appreciated.

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If you have a day in the Jackson area, Granite Hot Springs is a great spot south of town down the Hoback and up granite creek. Great hot spring, and beautiful drive up a dirt road. should be pretty minimal people that time of year. Otherwise, the parks will be far less busy then they are now, and wildlife viewing should be pretty good throughout both parks with a lot less car lines to be dealing with. I would say the hiking in and around GTNP, like jenny lake and such as mentioned, will be much more impressive scenic view wise, than yellowstone stuff.
I rented an RV for my trip to Yellowstone. I figure it was about the same price as a hotel/car rental and allowed more flexibility and campfires at night.
I second a hike to Jenny Lake it's beautiful. Take bear spray.
Download the WY511 app for road updates. We went 2-3 yrs ago same time and got in their first big snow. Roads closed but started opening the next day. The local DOT knows snow. lol

Wish your daughter a great time and praying for her and your family. Keep us updated and post pics. Trip of a lifetime for all.
In kemmerer area are the fossil dogs, lots of fun. Pinedale has the mountain man museum. The wildlife art museum in Jackson is worth it. Hit the Buffalo Bill Museum in Cody if you can.

Weather will be hit or miss. You're late in the game for reservations so get what you can.
another vote for Jenny lake hike. we took the boat across and hiked from there. The Teton area is beautiful so add that to your must see list
Thanks to all. Jenny Lake is on the list as well as the art museum. The fossil dig sounds really cool but I’m afraid they will be closed by then but I’m gonna keep digging and see what I can figure out ;)

Wolves and grizzlies are fun to watch - just follow the crowds or get a park app for the latest bison or elk kills in the NE side of the park. Grizzlies often come out first to feed, then they get run off by the wolves. Most action is from first light to mid morning. Make no mistake about it, NE is where 90% of the animals are seen.

I don’t care for the crowds at old faithful, west, or Jenny Lake, but if you haven’t seen them it’s necessary I suppose.
I don’t care for the crowds at old faithful, west, or Jenny Lake, but if you haven’t seen them it’s necessary I suppose.
We've hiked to Jenny Lake twice. Probably saw a dozen people total.

Watced Old Faithful with a single digit crowd.

Midweek off peak.
Some hotels in Jackson have hunters rates, Elk Country Inn does and they have cabins too.
Eat at Gun Barrel if you can.

Mangelsen's gallery is really cool but he is anti hunting. We wore our camo in there and they would not even talk to us, lol. Wear some if you go in.
If you havent been to Yellowstone, plan to just hit the major tourist stuff. You gotta get that out of the way.

Old Faithful
Grand Canyon
Most of the boardwalks are pretty easy walking.

If you dont want to deal with as many people, get up early and be done by early afternoon. We would be there by sunrise and out by 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Way better.
We were there a few years ago in mid September and the first morning we went to the park, there was a foot of snow on the ground. We had to wait at the gate for a few hours for the park to open, as they were plowing the roads. We spent 5 days in Yellowstone and felt like we needed more time to see it all. It is a truly amazing place and i hope to go back someday. We stayed in a cabin at Rand Creek Ranch. Enjoy the trip!
Funny! Jackson/affordable.

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I meant comparatively. Lol

A few years ago the wife and I paid under $200 a night for a room at one of the ski in/out lodges. The next year me and a buddy were walking distance from the square for about the same.
It’s a lot of ground to cover. It’ll be great that there are fewer tourists and some of the areas is Yellowstone are set up for such large crowds that I don’t like them (Old Faithful). For the most wildlife, Lamar Valley in the NE. Maybe plan it to head up to the northern part of the park, stay in Gardiner for a night and then back south to the Tetons.
We just went in May so no help on some stuff relating to time of year.
My daughter loved Pinky G’s pizza in Jackson hole. Food was great but place was small.
The Bunny Bakery and Restaurant breakfast was outstanding as well.

You may want to check into roadways in the parks. One of the main roads just washed out right after we left and wasn’t passable. Don’t know if it still is. I looked briefly for you but wasn’t able to find anything so maybe it’s back open.