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  1. Bigred323

    The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

    Man I really wish I had put more into Kulr when I got in!
  2. Bigred323

    Anyone going to the Reno Sheep Show next month?

    Went last year for the first time. Had a lot of fun. Unfortunately falls on the last weekend of deer season for us in south Texas so can’t make it this year.
  3. Bigred323

    2024 Desert Bighorn Sheep Hunt Sonora

    Beautiful ram! I’m heading to Sonora in 6 weeks from today!
  4. Bigred323

    Sold kuiu pro lt 4000 complete pack

    Great bag! Just used the same bag to pack out 3 nilgai and worked like a charm.
  5. Bigred323

    Do you tip your game processor?

    No I don’t tip my processor. Have never even thought of it. But we do take multiple animals to him every year and I try to steer people asking me his way so I feel like giving him more business is good enough.
  6. Bigred323

    Short breeds for duck

    Sounds like a Boykin is what you need
  7. Bigred323

    Canning wild pork

    My first thought was trichinosis, but looked it up and says canning should reach high enough temps to kill it in both bear and pig.
  8. Bigred323

    Alberta Bighorn Outfitter Recommendation

    Post the info here man. Will save lots of guy some headaches in the future. A review is a review and always good to put your experience whether positive or negative to help others decide whether they want to continue with a certain outfitter
  9. Bigred323

    2024 show your dogs success

    Do you have any pictures of the X-rays?
  10. Bigred323

    2024 show your dogs success

    My old girl did great a couple of weekends ago.
  11. Bigred323

    2024 Alaska moose hunting in remote solitude...father/son.

    Looks like a great trip! Congrats
  12. Bigred323

    An etiquette question

    I know lots of guys who don’t care about an elk at all but who would be all over shooting grouse. If it’s public land, whatever is open is fair game. Just because you drew your tag for any species, doesn’t make you anymore important in the area. That’s part of the play on any sort of public...
  13. Bigred323

    My 2024 Sheep Hunts

    Man that is a beautiful ram! Congrats!!
  14. Bigred323

    2024 show your dogs success

    Some great dove hunts this year down in Texas!
  15. Bigred323

    Yukon Ram

    Freaking awesome! Congrats!
  16. Bigred323

    My August 2024 Dall Dream Hunt

    Did you just do the euro or are you doing a shoulder with replica horns as well?
  17. Bigred323

    My August 2024 Dall Dream Hunt

    Awesome and congrats! I’m set to go up there in 2027 with them so this gets me pumped!
  18. Bigred323

    New sheep hunter

    Been doing the MTNtough minimum gear Bulletproof series and just getting into week 12 of it. Has been an awesome program these last 3 months and I can tell my cardio had improved significantly and down about 10 pounds the last few Months. Still got a lot of work to be where I wanna be, but...
  19. Bigred323

    Any firefighters out there?

    I was a volunteer FF for 4-5 years and have had my medic license since 09. I’ll work a few shifts a few times a year here and there just to keep up my license requirements, but I work full time in a new career (vet med). You either hate it or love it. The guys that hate it, leave pretty quickly...
  20. Bigred323

    Anchorage Overnight

    We were just in Alaska a couple of weeks ago and stayed In anchorage the first night and night before leaving. We ate a moose’s tooth since it was recommended. Pretty good pizza but nothing out of this world to say “you gotta eat there!” Good pizza good beer. Tons of people though. DO NOT...