Funny how that works. When you shoot a lot, there seems to be very little difference.
I tend to shoot a little bit, and buy projectiles in bulk due to that:
and I have noticed that the elk sure don't like a well practiced rifleman, even if he is shooting an "obsolete" cartridge.
Ohh, one or two... :)
But I did not want to derail this thread with all that.
Funny thing is that I was shooting a .260:
before the 6.5 was even around, and I don't recall all this drama between the Creedtards and the .308 shooters.
As a guy who has all 3 (6.5 Manbun, .308 Grandpa, and...
I picked up a wood stock for my daughter to use on T3s. The idea was to cut it down to for her, then when she got older, we would put a full size factory composite stock on it.
First I used the wood stock on a T3 with a lilja barrelled 6mm Rem, then I moved her up to a 20" .308 that had a brake...
To the OP.
Since your T3 is stock with no upgrades, you can do some upgrades to it that will allow it to run long VLD type loads that you would not otherwise be able to do in its stock form.
Modify your bolt stop, and swap out a medium (.308) magazine for a long (.300wm/30-06) magazine, and...
Everyone has a right to make their own choices.
I carried a .38 snubby as a BUG/second gun for years while working on the street/as an investigator.
The .38 Special did not even have a great reputation for instant incapacitation on humans. I just considered it a "get off me" piece. Lots of...
It is a tossup, as I have a favorite all around rifle, that I carry more than any other. It is a 20" T3 .308 in a McMillan Edge stock, with a 2.5-10 NF on top. It has killed a bunch of critters.
When I expect shots to go long, I quite often will grab my T3 .300 wm, also in a McMillan stock...
My issued Harris bipod was "tactical" (I suppose) when it was attached to various sniper rifles overseas:
And "practical" when it was attached to my hunting rifle here in the states:
As far as I know they did the same thing, but I don't claim to know much about rifles.
All kidding...
A T3 Lite with a muzzle brake, dropped into a chassis, such as an MDT, as shown in the pic here:
Sorry for the lousy pic btw.
covers multiple shooters in terms of size/fitment. The ability to quickly adjust the stock to suit the end user, and whatever they may be wearing is pretty handy...
Chart is taped to the buttstock of the gun.
I also use a wrist band pouch that unfolds. I have a couple different cards in it, from different guns I hunt with. My 20" .308, Sako TRG, etc.
The .308 and .300 wm have been very consistently dropping elk for me for a long time. Most my shots tend to be in the 400 to 600 range, with the majority in the mid 4s. This is due to hunting late season in open terrain. If I was to choose one for what you are describing, the .300 WM would make...
While I own US Optics and Nightforce scopes (multiple). I highly recommend the SWFAs. In fact I have both fixed and variable versions and they have proven to be outstanding. They track properly and are repeatable.
My primary elk rifle has worn one (a fixed 10X mil/mil) for a few years now and I...
I don't know anything about the Razco but I will have to check them out. Love the HPG, and use it for a wide variety of purposes from big game hunting, kayaking, backpacking, etc. I also use it at work doing low vis/ high threat protection type stuff. That said, I am always willing to check out...
Emerson Raven that I have had for a good many years. It was with me for 13 rotations in the middle east, and many years doing other "fun" stuff.
That and my grandfather Old Timer I inherited more than 20 years ago. Hopefully I will pass it down to one of his great grand daughters one of...
Lots of guys miss the boat on this.
Most every knows that the T3s are all one action size.
The mags however are in multiple sizes, 308, 30-06 etc.
If you want to long load a .308, simply purchase a 30-06 mag and use it. I have shot 208s, and 220s out of a couple of my .308 T3s...
I have owned Savage, Tikka and Browning. No experience with Bergara. With that said, hands down, I would opt for the Tikka. The out of the box accuracy is better than some of the guns from big name "custom" shops.
The difference will be very minimal to the point that in the field, it will likely mean a variation of a click or 2 on your turret at most. The animal is surely never going to know a difference.
That said, I am still looking forward to the comparison.
It is the slow season, so...
I carry a pistol here in Central ID. The rifle is the primary, but when I get to the truck with the first load of meat, I have ZERO desire to pack the weight of a rifle in addition to the other quarters of meat that have yet to be hauled out.
The rifle stays behind, and the handgun becomes the...
I have processed a number of elk with Moras, and they, along with a Havalon are what get used the most on hunts, and processing animals. You can see it placed on top of the trunk in the pic (good safe spot so as not to step on, or put a hand on a blade). The pic was taken showing the exit wound...