My Mora


Sep 11, 2013
I’m slowly gathering gear for spring turkey. I’m ashamed; I’m also cleaning up some stuff leftover from last season.

I sharpened my Mora. And washed it. Whoa! This thing got very beaten up last year. I actually chpped up the edge. With a water stone I got it back. What a great knife! It’s light! It’s sharp! It’s inexpensive! The handle is great. The sheath is a bombproof thing.

It is my undisputed backpack hunt knife. It’s half the weight of my next smaller blade. I did cut the sheath up some. It’s not a hip knife, it’s a pack knife. Less than 3.5oz with my hack job.

How sharp a carbon steel mora can get can’t be described. I’ll put it this way; if a loved-one got shot and I needed to cut out the bullet; I hope my Mora is the knife with me :D.

I don’t hike in for turkey. It’s my country club hunt. I’ll probably bring along one of my dusty and neglected custom knives. My Mora damn near has a permanent seat in my hunt pack.

I think everyone should have a Mora. It’s a $14 knife!

I have several Moras and agree, for the price they are incredible. It's not a bushcraft knife though and some models are prone to edge chipping as you said. The trade there is they come from the factory sharper than any other outdoor knife I have seen.
Great knives! That scandi grind is my favorite knife grind for in the field fast touch ups. Can’t be beat for the price.
Totally agree with above.
Been giving them away as gifts to ranch owners and cowboys for several years and all have been amazed.
A great bargain.
Really is hard to beat the Moras for the price tag they put on them. I bought four had them engraved and gave them to my brothers. Everyone has been impressed with the quality in a sub $20 knife. They are almost disposable for the price.
After doing quick math, I probably have over a thousand $ invested in knives. Just purchased two Bark River Bravos in different sizes. I love nice knives, but when it comes to doing the nasty work on an animal, I'm always processing it with a Mora. Just can't beat them for function/performance vs price.
Yeah, Mora is a very good functional knife. I bought a bunch for my crews. The ones I have are carbon steel and will rust a I don't use them as my primary hunting knife...just camp stuff. My crew guys use them as a utility knife on the job.
Yeah mora knives are great for the price been using them for years pretty easy to sharpen too
Anybody else do the Swedish fire knife on massdrop? It’s just a Mora with a fire starter in the handle.

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I have a fire steel one already so i passed, but the price on massdrop was a little higher than i originally paid so i wouldnt have bought either way. Great steel for such a cheap knife, love mine.
I have 3 light my fire knives. As a guide sometimes I don’t have time to sharpen in between hunts although these are stupid easy to sharpen. One of these and a havalon gets me through an elk plus it’s nice to have a ridiculously number of ways to start a fire.

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I have processed a number of elk with Moras, and they, along with a Havalon are what get used the most on hunts, and processing animals. You can see it placed on top of the trunk in the pic (good safe spot so as not to step on, or put a hand on a blade). The pic was taken showing the exit wound on the offside shoulder from my daughter's (then 13 years old) first elk. A single 375 yard shot with her .308. Total penetration and exit using a 155 Scenar.

Back on topic, the Moras are simply too practical to be ignored.
I just got a Mora Bushcraft Black and it’s pretty dang nice for the price!! Lightweight and super sharp.

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Bringing this back up.

I got a Mora a few years ago because of reading about them and their quality and abilities to break down multiple animals without needing sharpening during the process.

All of the sudden they are in every sporting goods store I walk into and always for the same $10 price.
Can anyone attest to the current steel quality and if it is still "that good" ?
Is the quality comparable t ok say SV 30 and similar?

Would you take your Mora over your benchmade for an elk hunt ?

I pack a havalon , a mora , and a pack lite buck skinner I've had forever and keep telling myself I'm gonna use it.
The last two deer I broke down. One whitetail and one Coues, I used the havalon exclusively not needing the Mora.

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I bought a 3 pack that put us each in for like $7.12 I think. My season wasn’t what I had planned but I did get a chance to get it into 3 animals. Out of the box it was silly sharp but did have a little dull spot in the middle but I’m happy with it. I don’t love the sheath it came with gotta figure out how to either mod it for better function or make a better one...
I have a small collection of their knives. Can't beat them for the price. I just used one this fall on my elk, quartered in the field to finish in the kitchen no sharpening in between. It definitely needed a sharpening in the end though.

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ive taken 2 moose apart with a pair of em i just carry a small sharpening steel and give it a few swipes every now and then....i highly reccomend em.
I was going to buy the argali or altitude today but after seeing so many guys that run the Mora I just ordered two companions from Amazon for my hunt this year. I'll be packing a havalon and the Mora.