I'm generally curious why not just buy a bunch of cheaper ammo for practice. And save your eldm for hunting? I shoot a ton of the aac 77 gr otm out to 600 yds, and they are $10/box.
Shot a couple does with the aac 77 gr tmk this week. First one was 215 yds broadside, got a complete pass through. She went 20-30 yds and expired. Second one was 205 yds standing straight on. She made it 20-30 yards as well before expiring. The internal damage was impressive on both.
I helped a buddy and his brother pack out elk this year. I have never been elk hunting in my life, but I love the mountains and will take any excuse I can to be out in them. I was calling coyotes with my buddy and he mentioned about him and his brothers getting older. I am 20+ years younger...
Waited for the fog to clear this morning, then went to a spot I killed a triple on last year. Sat in the same exact spot as last year, and got the same results. Last one was playing peek a boo on the back side of a hedge tree.